Shouty Riffy Rock


Mar 9, 2009
Not to be taken seriously.. you'll understand when you hear the lyrics.

Drums are samples blended on the kick/snare. A lot more of the real drums than on any previous mix that I've ever done.
Bass is DI with a copy of the DI into the Sansamp plugin on Pro Tools.
Guitars are JVM into impulses.
Vocals are voice into Shure SM7B.

We tracked the drums in the gallery of the local museum. My girlfriend works there and she suggested me used the place as there was no displays on at the time. Good guy! Nice sounding Tama kit too.


The band are local and they write songs about big vaginas, knob cheese, old pop stars and their favourite(not) DJ's. Mix1.mp3

Any feedback, positive or negative is more than welcome. Not posted a mix in a while, so some feedback would be nice :)
hey great mix man! what impulses r u using with the jvm? is it 2 tracks? really diggin the tone!
Thanks for the comments guys. Quite happy with how they've turned out. There's another 3 tracks of this band's stuff.

hey great mix man! what impulses r u using with the jvm? is it 2 tracks? really diggin the tone!

The JVM was dual tracked yeah. Boosted with a Maxon OD808 into one of the Catharsis impulses S-Pres 8 to be precise.
Thanks Morgan. The drummer has a pretty odd snare sound, he has it dampened with an o-ring at all times. We wanted to keep as much of the original snare sound as possible and this is actually pretty close to how it sounds in the room. The snare has a couple of the CLA samples blended it behind the original snare, but it's only to keep things consistent.

Cheers for listening and commenting :)