Show at Nations


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2002
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What happened at the show at Nations in D.C. Except for Scott, it seemed the band was very frustrated that the crowd wasn't more pumped. There was a fight between the band and someone in the audience. Does anyone know what the fight was all about? It turned ugly for a few minutes there. Anyway I thought anthrax was great but I will say that the crowds at Heavy Metal shows aint like they used to be.
Originally posted by LithiumC
Anyway I thought anthrax was great but I will say that the crowds at Heavy Metal shows aint like they used to be.
This is a little off topic...

... the Metal crowd here (in Australia) definitely ain't like it used to be either. :(
the metal crowds are pretty apathetic anymore, and that really pissed me off cuz i always get into the shows, i was so tired after the anthrax set i had to sit down! (but then i got some herbals, so it was all good) and another thing, im really tired of being the ONLY chick that gets into the shows i go to, all the other chicks are busy trying to look good, i was on the 2nd level in the far corner goin fucking crazy cuz the guys i was with cant handle pits...i got so fucking crazy at the shows i go to, it was atracting attention from john bush and ripper owens!!! :) i have so much fun!!!
I hear you about metal shows and all, and the chick thing... I don't know where you are from (maybe DC?) but in FL, chicks still get into shows here... I'm always waiting outside the venues for hours beforehand, making damn sure I get front row and center otherwise I'll hafta fight my way up there... heh heh heh... too bad we didn't run into each other at the Nation, we woulda ripped shit up, eh? I was up front, the show was unbelievable, eh? I wanna go back!!!! :(
Excuse me while I sob AGAIN about not getting a show at all. This shit sucks. If they don't come here after the new album comes out, I'm gonna be SUPER PISSED. Right now I'm just REALLY PISSED. SUPER PISSED is a whole different ball game. Y'all think I rant now? Wait til I get passed up again.

And just cause I weenie out of pits, that doesn't mean I don't get totally into shows.

I hate the ones that check their makeup every five seconds. Like anybody's even looking at them. Shyeah.
Awwww... man I know the feeling about missing shows... next time I go on a roadtrip I'll take you with, deal? I can never find anyone who's as dedicated about music and willing to hit shows with me. I had to pull teeth to get people to come with me to D.C... sorry that Anthrax didn't hit your area... :( Money gets in the way alot, try donating plasma, look under blood donations in the phone book, see if they take plasma donors... they usually pay pretty well. Or, look in the classifieds in the paper... medical experiments pay!!!! haahaha... you'll be the only one in the crowd with a 3rd arm growing outta there head and able to turn in lights when you walk in a room from strange radiation exposure, but dude... its for Priest/Anthrax!!!!!!

A little bit of creativity goes a long way, eh?
im usually the only chick gettin into the shows where i go......Lis, you goin to the soulfly show on sunday at nations?!?!!? im tryin to go
Sorry chicka... I don't live in D.C., I'm in FL, I was there only for the Priest/Anthrax show... ah, definitely worth it, wouldn't you say?

I hope this lawsuit talk is bullshit... what a bunch of crap!!!! That guy made a fuss and started shit because he WANTED TO START SHIT!!!! HE WANTED TO GET A REACTION OUT OF JOHN... and he got it. So what the fuck is he suing about? Bastard had it coming to him... bah...

Later freaks...
that show was sooooo fucking worth it, just seeing john and ripper was worth it ! :)

that lawsuit is most likely bullshit, the guy was a fucking asshole and he knows it
I don't have a problem with money, I have a problem with no bands come here. Even OzzFest stopped coming here. No one comes here unless one of the members of the band lives or is from here, which is not a whole helluva lot. Linkin Park is the most recent. Even Creed (ugh, perish the though) hasn't been here in a couple years. Nickelback has NEVER been here. Can Greg even imagine my horror????

The closest Anthrax came was Vegas, and I am NOT driving 6 hours for anything. I'm not leaving my son overnight with anyone and I certainly couldn't take him with me. I think it's ridiculous that you would even have to take such measures just to see a band you like.
If NICKLEBACK were to ever play near me....I would make sure that their BTM in 2010 would end with...."And then a crazyman w/ an ANTHRAX shirt walked up to the band an mowed them all down w/ an ak47. This man was never caught, but was heard to scream " VIVA LA BUSH!" as he ran off into the night..." Yeah BEAVIS, that would kick ass!:devil:
their new stuff bores the hell out of me, i can stand it but when theuy play a whole set of it throwing in maybe one classic, and the extra extra slow version of it, it makes me angry. I think hey what about us thrashers that want to band our heads, have you forgotten us. When i saw them at the Palace on tuesday i waited patiently for some sign of thrash and none they played Caught in a mosh at half speed, dam it suck to be a thrasher now adays. :bah:
maybe you should spend a little less time "thrashin" and a little more time with your Speak 'an Spell......

Drivin down the road in a street machine of steel........

Got my foot pinned to the floor.....
You can hear the engine roar.....
Got thunder in my head.....
I'm Metal Thrashin Mad!!!
2010?? Shit Greg, it takes a helluva lot less than 10 years for bands like that to get a BTM. All the good ones take 15+ years, and all the ones no one wants to see, they're in your face 24/7. It's so sad.

Armored Thrax, you crack me up.

Damn Slaughter fans, LOL.
funny how the first thing people jump on somone about is spelling. thats so lame, just an excuse to make yourself feel cooler than said misspeller.
oh and chicks REALY get into metal shows here in houston. Every week Cardi's has a metal show and there are always chicks too. little ones that kick ass in the pit. it's so easy to fall in love with Female Pit Monsters ..... *sigh*
Actually the ones I jump on the quickest are the ones that jump on those who jump on those who misspell......just an excuse to make myself feel cooler than the people who jump on those who jump on people who misspell.

"It's not that I hate people......I just like them better when they're......SPELLING CORRECTLY!!!" - taken from Anthrax's "GRUNT and SPELL"

not to be picky....but its SOMEONE not somone and REALLY not realy......

just f'in around dude.......lighten up.......*sigh*
Sorry id rather thrash, spelling is of no conern to me, but the current state of Anthrax is, even if they don't want to write thrash songs anymore, they could at least throw the thrash fans that go to see them a friggin bone, its not like we ask much, just that they thrash it up every once in while not even often jeez, oh and also that they don't slow the thrash songs down when they do play them.

"You know your a thrasher when your listening to Exodus and you can't stop smiling"
" If someone tries to change songs on a dio album kill them, every song iss good"
"Thrashing happens when you actually play your instrument better when your headbanging, its quite the phemenom, thats when you know that a song has real attitude"
-- Death Metal Mike Mustaine Mcshane ( A true thrasher )