Show 'n tell


Death has come
Apr 30, 2014
somewhere in the milky way
Pretty simple do what you did when you were in elementary school.
Post a video,link,picture,etc of your music and tell us what you think about it kind of like when you were a kid at show n tell and you tried to impress all your friends with your new batman figure (ya know the one with the interactive grappling hook)
Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk! Engage in nice friendly debate. Tell us the genre for people who are just getting into metal. Do not critisice some one if they say they like any of the core genres. Leave them alone BUT you can recommend better music for their sakes. Alright HAVE FUN!
His op is better than the kind of discussion on transsexuals and tr00 mehtuuuuhl productions I see around here.
Post a video,link,picture,etc of your music and tell us what you think about it


That's an old photo but I think at the time it was roughly separated into genres but non-alphabetised. I've tried fully alphabetised, genres alphabetised, genres non-alphabetised and completely disorganised. My favourite was completely disorganised but where only I knew where everything was. At the moment it's completely disorganised and no one knows where anything is so I'm going to have another crack at fully alphabetised.
Thread cleaned before Deron or Jeremy get to it. I actually think this is a good concept because in the almost 8 years I've been here I've never seen a thread like this.

I'll post when I get home. I have all my stuff in crates and CD sleeve cases because I don't have room for a proper CD shelving unit.

I'm intrigued because some people here have like 2,000+ CDs and it's absolutely ridiculous. I think I have too much with only 600 CDs roughly.
This is my teddy hedgehog being really sad when he discovered the dissected rat in the Haxan inlay. I tried to hide it from him but he found out anyway.

That's an old photo but I think at the time it was roughly separated into genres but non-alphabetised. I've tried fully alphabetised, genres alphabetised, genres non-alphabetised and completely disorganised. My favourite was completely disorganised but where only I knew where everything was. At the moment it's completely disorganised and no one knows where anything is so I'm going to have another crack at fully alphabetised.

When I had my collection still (lost to the abyss that is my kids mother) I had everything alphabetized, then each band was organized chronologically from oldest to newest. I was quite particular about that.
Thread cleaned before Deron or Jeremy get to it. I actually think this is a good concept because in the almost 8 years I've been here I've never seen a thread like this.

I'll post when I get home. I have all my stuff in crates and CD sleeve cases because I don't have room for a proper CD shelving unit.

I'm intrigued because some people here have like 2,000+ CDs and it's absolutely ridiculous. I think I have too much with only 600 CDs roughly.

alright man thanks! i thought it was a pretty interesting thread idea. i think the negativity came from the fact that i have a reputation around here! and definitely not a good one:lol: I'm looking forward to everyones posts!