Showcase announcement. 1st 3 bands!!!!

Ihsahn wouldn't draw for the average ProgPower fan, but every Emperor fan on the east coast would be scrambling to put together money for a plane ticket. He'd have no problem selling out Center Stage.
You very well may be right. However, I'd really like to see a year of distance between returns. Aside from the fact that I personally find it difficult to get pumped about bands returning two years in a row, it seems difficult for these bands to deliver the same intensity.


I agree, and I'd also like to see them Headline the Main fest on Friday night, so excuse me for not keeping my fingers crossed.
Did everyone forget about Glenn's "they'll be back" statement at X? I'm thinking it will be Sabaton.

Gawd, I seriously hope not. If so, it'll be the final step of transition from the ProgPower fetival to the PowerPower festival, IMHO. To my ears, this is shaping up to be the most power-metal heavy year so far (or put another way, the least prog).

I understand that the powermetal bands are popular, so I get the business decision...power-metal just does absolutely nothing for me. A lot of the bands are clearly talented and can definitely PLAY, granted, it's just the style that bores me to tears. Every freakin' song sounds the same to me... Well, that's not true. There are TWO songs...the chugga-chugga-chugga endless double-bass "anthem" power-metal songs, and then the "ballad" types (which are few and far between).

If it sells out the festival, good for Glenn, Shane, and those who enjoy the stuff...I'm just not one of 'em. I guess that makes me one of the "prog pussies?" Eh, it what you want, but I prefer music with some intelligence and creative melodies behind it to go ALONG WITH a nice crunchy sound (ie. Redemption, Vanden Plas, etc). Again, nothing against the pure power-metal bands or their fans...just not my thing.

P.S. Hmmm.... Maybe that comment wasn't an insult, after all.....what was that old nutritional saying? You are what you eat? :heh:

P.P.S., the other white meat. :lol:
To my ears, this is shaping up to be the most power-metal heavy year so far (or put another way, the least prog).

The pendulum will swing from time to time as it has in the past. I don't see this year as being any different that PP III or V. Last year's prog heavy lineup was the least attended festival other than II. I cannot afford to 100% attribute that to the economy if I want to keep the festival alive.
The pendulum will swing from time to time as it has in the past. I don't see this year as being any different that PP III or V. Last year's prog heavy lineup was the least attended festival other than II. I cannot afford to 100% attribute that to the economy if I want to keep the festival alive.

I totally understand...the economics are what they are, and I appreciate you keeping the festival going. As much as I'd love for it to be the ProgProg festival, it probably wouldn't be sustainable, unfortunately. :-/

Yeah, this year is vaguely similar to III and V...both of those years, there were three bands that I was TOTALLY psyched to see, but didn't care much about the others. This year, while the prog/power ratio is about the same as III and V, but I'm only fairly excited about two of the bands, with *some* interest in others.

But as with anyone else, there are going to be years that don't do as much for me as other years do. Part of it for me this year is that even a couple of the "prog-ish" bands just aren't my thing for various reasons. Other people are obviously thrilled. Again, c'est la vie. Also, I *despise* death/growl vocals, so if a prog band uses them much, it kinda ruins it for me. Just a personal preference.

Except for a couple of years (last year, PP2, PP4, PP6), I've felt like the festival has definitely leaned toward power, with those other years being closer to 50/50. Obviously that's IMHO...definition of "prog" and "power" varies by person. The simple (and unfortunate for prog fans) fact is that power-metal brings 'em in more than prog-metal does. C'est la vie. I still come every year because there's usually at least one or two bands that make it all worthwhile to me...and there's also the catching up with friends, the parties, etc.

So, whether I love a year's lineup or not, thanks for keepin' it going, Glenn! It IS appreciated.

Did I miss something, but wasn't the Showcase setup to have a band from the previous year fest returning for an 'encore' performance? So wouldn't the headliner be a returning band from last year?
Prog metal: intelligent music for socially awkward people

Gee, what an utterly worthless statement.

I've never understood why people like to try to insult people because of the music they like, activities they enjoy, etc. Seems pretty close-minded, short-sighted, and....well, STUPID to me. I know some really socially awkward people who like power metal, just like I know some "life of the party" people who love prog.

In short, stereotyping sucks balls.

Did I miss something, but wasn't the Showcase setup to have a band from the previous year fest returning for an 'encore' performance? So wouldn't the headliner be a returning band from last year?

Then explain to me the last two years of having Hellish rock tour and then Primal Fear? I agree with Zod. I would rather them not return the year after, and I also agree that they should be a headliner of the main festival when they return. Just my two cents.
Gee, what an utterly worthless statement.

I've never understood why people like to try to insult people because of the music they like, activities they enjoy, etc. Seems pretty close-minded, short-sighted, and....well, STUPID to me. I know some really socially awkward people who like power metal, just like I know some "life of the party" people who love prog.

In short, stereotyping sucks balls.


While I agree with you, I read that statement more as a joke than any serious stereotyping. As a prog AND power metal fan, I consider myself fairly socially adept and good at making friends and chatting people up.

Except for Zod, who is incredibly ADD when the alcohol flows through his veins. :lol:
While I agree with you, I read that statement more as a joke than any serious stereotyping. As a prog AND power metal fan, I consider myself fairly socially adept and good at making friends and chatting people up.

Except for Zod, who is incredibly ADD when the alcohol flows through his veins. :lol:

It was a joke. I like prog music more than power metal.

I just think it's funny how a lot of prog fans call their music "intelligent music" but have a hard time even checking out at the grocery store. Especially when there's all sorts of talentless cookie monster bands who have more "intelligent" music and lyrics than most other music, metal or not.

Well the "Hellish Rock" tour wasnt the Showcase since Shane does the Showcase, that show was funded by glenn and was under glenn's control if I recall correctly. As far as Primal Fear goes from last year, well they may not have played nine but they played eight so pretty freakin close and both times they blew the roof off.

That being said,