Showcase announcement. 1st 3 bands!!!!

Bullshit. Last year had 6 power metal, 3 prog and 2 who knows what but I'll call em prog. You could argue one I put as powermetal.. being prog, either way it wasn't prog heavy.

Opinions are like assholes, but I skipped out on both headliners last year and didn't stay for more than a few songs of several sets. I sure don't do that for Power bands.

I count 7 prog bands, or 5 prog bands and 2 old school metal headliners.
Gee, what an utterly worthless statement.

I've never understood why people like to try to insult people because of the music they like, activities they enjoy, etc. Seems pretty close-minded, short-sighted, and....well, STUPID to me. I know some really socially awkward people who like power metal, just like I know some "life of the party" people who love prog.

In short, stereotyping sucks balls.


My God, dude - lighten up!! I read that saying as an extremely humorous, poke at ourselves! It looks like you took it WAAAAAAAAAAAY too literally. :goggly:

Chris :rock:
I would call it ProgPower metal - has elements of both IMHO. :rock::kickass:

Admittedly, I only have Gods' Equation, but I don't really notice any power metal elements on that album.

I consider a band like Vision Divine to be more ProgPower metal, and PM to be rather proggy. Proggy space-metal. :)

But I have no problems agreeing to disagree. Unless you WANT to duel over it at ProgPower. We can bring plastic swords and everything! :goggly:

OOOH, or maybe duke it out via bicycle jousting! That would be fun!
Bullshit. Last year had 6 power metal, 3 prog and 2 who knows what but I'll call em prog. You could argue one I put as powermetal.. being prog, either way it wasn't prog heavy.

You're an enigma Cheiron. Sometimes you have some of the most well reasoned and well articulated posts on this forum. On the other hand, sometimes there's... well... this.
You're an enigma Cheiron. Sometimes you have some of the most well reasoned and well articulated posts on this forum. On the other hand, sometimes there's... well... this.

Yea, his numbers are almost reversed. Cage, Brainstorm, Sabaton and MAYBE Crimson Glory were the only Power bands last year. Everyone else was prog metal, prog rock, or oddball (And DSO is nowhere near power).