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Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, I'm fresh back from my third Dead Can Dance concert. One in Seattle, two in Oakland! They were amazing.

Next week is Nine Inch Nails/Queens of the Stoneage and then Sigur Ros a day later.

Then, if I'm not much mistaken, the mighty Opeth comes down the pike.

My ears will be ringing for months. If only Nevermore would come through, I could close the books on this year. Seen just about every band I could have hoped for....
I haven't been to too many this year. I even skipped Helmet last night. But after I come back from my honeymoon in a month, I see Ween and Opeth within a couple days of each other. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
kittybeast said:
Great EW!! I get to see Dead Can Dance on Sunday nite and I cannot wait!!!

You are extra lucky then, as I believe there is a full orchestra at your gig! Very cool.....and I'm jealous.