

Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
I know that a lot of you guys have been getting into more cerebral, non-metal, textural psychedelic kind of music a la Porcupine Tree, so I thought I'd have to let you in on a little secret....

Shpongle is some of the most amazing, mind blowing music ever created.

Now, though I know a lot of you are pretty open minded, you might be put off by the fact that they are, for the most part, one guy in his studio. But remember, thats what Steven Wilson and PT was up untill Signify.

Though I dont yet own their albums, I've downloaded a measley two tracks as a sample, and because of these two, I will indeed be buying everything Simon Posford will ever put out.

I've uploaded a track, and I hope you'll listen to this with an open mind, and FOR THE LOVE OF JEBUS, listen with headphones. Good ones if you've got em. This is quite possibly the best production I've ever heard in my life. This music will take you for a ride. Close your eyes and enjoy!