Shure SM7+Great River ME-1NV+Acoustic Guitar Sample


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i recorded a very short acoustic guitar sample using the
SM7 and the GR preamp.

i didn't mess too much around with mic placement etc.
just the standard "few cm from the 12th fret" thing.

as we know the SM7 needs A LOT of gain!

i actually had to turn the preamp "GAIN" knob all the way up
and add some preamp "OUTPUT" to get a good recording level.

on the other hand the SM7 is very responsive and dynamic,
so it surely depends on the playing style and general sound
source how much gain is actually needed.

the first clip is the original recording. there is no tweaking, plugins etc.

the second example has some compression, eq, tape etc. plugins engaged.

i know acoustic guitar is not really what potentional buyers of this mic/pre
combination are looking for to record but as i really suck on
vocals i, me, you got me though!? :D

Shure SM7+Great River ME-1NV

Shure SM7+Great River ME-1NV_EDIT

yeah, this surely would sound much better with some vinyl plugin thrown on the bus :D

i wanted to demonstrate how the mic sounds in combination with the preamp in a raw form and again with some tweaking.
Wow, this is a pretty awesome sounding raw clip, and I would have never expected that from an SM7B. I am also extremely impressed by the lack of noise made by the preamp being completely cranked. Thank you for the clip.