Sidechaining in CuBase (gate)


Jan 23, 2006
I know we have discussed sidechaining in Cubase and I have actually managed to make it work for compression, using Compadre.

But what about using sidechain for gating drums? For example I have a trigger and I want to use it to open the gate.
Can you tell me how can I do it and which gate will surely do the job?

I tried using Sonalksis gate, but it looks like I'm missing something.
Yes, Cubase does not support side chaining, unfortunately. Wish somebody over at Steinberg would just fucking add that shit.

Yep. Hard to believe that it's still not supported by Steinberg applications. It's been in the top 5 user-requested features for god knows how long.
Haha, tru dat. You would think it would be something fairly simple to implement...but whatever.

The only reason I could think that they wouldn't do it is that it would be a fundamental change in the code for the VST protocol or something along similar lines. Otherwise, after 4 major releases of Cubase and 3 for Nuendo you'd think they'd have it sorted by now.
The only reason I could think that they wouldn't do it is that it would be a fundamental change in the code for the VST protocol or something along similar lines. Otherwise, after 4 major releases of Cubase and 3 for Nuendo you'd think they'd have it sorted by now.

yeah and instead of getting that down they just came up with vst3, and it still doesn't work:ill:
Actually you can do some kind of sidechaining in cubase using quadro channel. But I can't manage to use it with a gate.
yeah it's a bummer with no sidechaining in there. you can do stereo side chaining but it istill doen't fix the problem of mono work for snares and bass and stuff
Love Curran:loco:
yeah it's a bummer with no sidechaining in there. you can do stereo side chaining but it istill doen't fix the problem of mono work for snares and bass and stuff
Love Curran:loco:

yeah you can. Just use a stereo imager to move the right channel to the centre.
I know we have discussed sidechaining in Cubase and I have actually managed to make it work for compression, using Compadre.

But what about using sidechain for gating drums? For example I have a trigger and I want to use it to open the gate.
Can you tell me how can I do it and which gate will surely do the job?

I tried using Sonalksis gate, but it looks like I'm missing something.

Take a look at goldengate it has sidechaining built into the plugin. All you have to do is select a plugin instance from the menu as the trigger