
pushing too much fudge in the forrest i do believe...

i don't know what is fucking well wrong with people these days - everyone wants a life altering problem and an eternal woe of rejection - they actually want one....for fucking hells sake, bunch of naffing's not cool to be happy or content.....its cool to be a miserable cunt - a miserable gothic cunt.

some stupid fucker from widnes was in the same club as me n vik on friday and he slashed his fucking arm open and was walking round bleeding....him and his mate have this thing with bleeding. dickheads. i bleed every month but you dont see me letting it drip around a club for 4 hours do you.
blackeyed said:
pushing too much fudge in the forrest i do believe...

i don't know what is fucking well wrong with people these days - everyone wants a life altering problem and an eternal woe of rejection - they actually want one....for fucking hells sake, bunch of naffing's not cool to be happy or content.....its cool to be a miserable cunt - a miserable gothic cunt.

some stupid fucker from widnes was in the same club as me n vik on friday and he slashed his fucking arm open and was walking round bleeding....him and his mate have this thing with bleeding. dickheads. i bleed every month but you dont see me letting it drip around a club for 4 hours do you.