Silent CPU?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hello dudes

I've been wondering about what to do with my CPU's fan/power supply noise now that I'll be mic'ing in my room.
I've seen that in a lot of your setups you track same room where you mix. How do you go about this?

Much obliged
Larger diameter (120mm) fans will push >= air and make less noise. I personally like the CoolerMaster ones, but you may want to bling it with a crazy Zalman..

If you're having power supply noise that's not fan related you're caps are going bad (they start singing) and its time to get a new one. Antec, Earth Power, Thermaltake all make good quiet supplies.
I hope you mean block the noise and not physically block the fan. Modern GPU's pull between 150-400 Watts. You leave it running in that state without cooling and it will desolder itself from the PCB.

My personal experience says that the 80% of the noise comes from the videocard fan. I tried to block that fan and the pc is dead silent.
I hope you mean block the noise and not physically block the fan. Modern GPU's pull between 150-400 Watts. You leave it running in that state without cooling and it will desolder itself from the PCB.

I physically blocked the fan at the startup, only for few seconds, to check the noise without that fan.
Anyway the modern gpu's (I have a nvidia gts250, nothing special) have enormous dissipators so I think they can works easily without a ridicolous barely moves air
As I understand it water cooling aids the fans, more than replacing them altogether?
I guess the safe bet would be a laptop, but I'm not about to invest in one just for that. At the moment I have a Thermaltake Soprano tower.

The noise I'm talking about is minimal and low pitched, yet definitely audible in a recording- as the room is not that big.
Nope, apart from the PSU, they should replace all fans.
Bear in mind that the pump in a water cooling system will hum a little.
I've got a 120mm and a 140mm NoiseBlocker fan for the case, an AC Freezer for the CPU and (probably one of the best things I've ever done to my PC) I hung my HDDs via rubber strings in the 5,25" slot, so they have no contact to the rest of the case. It's damn quiet. Really damn quiet. And that only cost me about 40€.
Another idea is to use a bendable pipe like in vacuum cleaners, but bigger diameter and put the fan or other high performance air pump in the other room...
Your PC would get really quiet :)

Oh and there are fanless GFX cards, they are usually not top of the line for gaming, but if you value silence above graphics performance...

And i just found some fanless PSUs :)
your video card should be silent when running your daw, mine only gets loud when playing Starcraft 2. My Computer got really quiet when I replaced the heatsink and fan for the cpu with a 120mm (instead of 800) and big thermaltake heatsink. I can run all fans at low all day every day no problem and no noise.

Do that first before you think of water cooling.
I went from a Radeon 5770 which was barely noticeable to the 6870 which is a vacuum cleaner in comparison. Yes, 80% of the noise my rig makes is the GPU. Get some Noctuas or some other low noise fans, but the best bet is to get a passive cooled GPU or one that can be modded to use an aftermarket passive cooler.
Yup I think water cooling's not gonna be very effective for noise reduction.

And i just found some fanless PSUs :)

Like a Seasonic's X-Series? wow I'm GASing already! 0 db!
PSU's the source of noise for me- I don't have a GPU yet :guh: but I was recommended a fanless 256 or 512MB card (oldie) like you guys say. Since I'm not into gaming nowadays seems like a good idea though-

I have my eyes on this one- it does have a fan but seems to be quiet enough maybe:

Another idea is to use a bendable pipe like in vacuum cleaners, but bigger diameter and put the fan or other high performance air pump in the other room...
Your PC would get really quiet :)

This does give me an idea- I could put the CPU outside the room and pass cables under the door when tracking (an idiot carpenter shortened the door half an inch by the bottom side even when I specifically told him not to, a couple of years back) so with some foam insulation it could work ok I guess. This combined with getting silent PC parts (I need to make another build for my workplace anyway) should be enough for noise-free tracking :D (along with a sound-proof custom double window I'm already saving for).

Does your room have a closet? You can get extension cables for the video monitor and keyboard/mouse and put the PC in the closet...
3 ways to do this and make it 100% silent .....

#1 Water Cooling for CPU and Video carr
#2 Larger fans for Power Supply (requires MAJOR modifications)
#3 SSD Hard Drives

Now all of this should only cost you about $1000 to do ..... is it worth it ... NO

I record in my room WITH the CPU and I have no issues .... dont even worry about it.
Thanks kvoid and Guru- I was actually thinking of your setup lol
Glad to hear that from you

The closet idea actually did cross my mind but a.) The CPU could get overheated and b.) Too much dust accumulation in there
FWIW, a bit of an update on this

Last week I was moving to W7, so I placed the CPU into the center of the room, for accessing the hard drives and whatnot. Patiently, I tried to identify the source of the hum, until finally found out it was coming from one of the fans mounted in the case (before, I was convinced it was either the power supply to blame, or the processor's fan).
So, grabbed a screwdriver, and simply started to loosen and tighten the screws, until I got the noise-vibration reduced as best I could.

Today I went about the daunting task of clearing the closet :lol: wash the walls and vacuum the carpet floor inside it. Cleared the space and placed the case there, damped it by placing some large pillow on the side (leaving proper space for air to flow on the back of the case), placed back some clothes from hangers, and closed the doors..

The result is simply AMAZING! I know it probably sounds somewhat unimportant, but now I literally cannot hear any noise whatsoever!
That low, constant, constant humming frequency was really driving me nuts, and also really getting it the way of things for me

So, happy day, and $0 spent :D

EDIT: I did end up getting extension cables couple months ago for the monitor, the power cable, and a hub for all the USB stuff (I will still need longer individual cables for those, specially for the rack POD).

Thanks for the advice Steve!