Oh? Did you miss the 'I use outboard gear' part?I run everything through my GSSL and some other stuff so as far as I'm aware you couldn't possibly do it any other way
The thing is, like I said.. I'm using barely any CPU at all.. I don't see how 1 instance of HeQ -> Multiband (Outboard) -> and L1 could cause this issue?
But hey.. my fix seems to work for now... So hmmm!
@Pedro - I'm running an Intel Dual core e7500?? at 3.4ghz with Windows 7. Not Mac. I can't get used to them haha.
But as I said.. I can run projects with 50+ tracks and running extensive plugins and it won't drop out etc... But just on exports.
Man, for some reason nothing i wrote after the " , " appeared.
What I wrote was for you to Export Offline all the tracks that don't use outboard gear (print the tracks).
How is the CPU usage when you start exporting (F12 in Cubase)?
How is your DAW buffer?
Cubase 64 bits or 32 Bits? (if you are using 32 bits on a 64 bits Windows, it will emulate the 32 bits process)