Silent Hill Series.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Right so I am playing homecomming (ps3) and origins (psp) right now.

But anyhow my favorites in the series (that I have played):

Silent hill one
Silent hill 2
Silent hill 3
Silent hill origins (so far)

Not so favorites:

Silent hill 4 the room (I hated how different this was from 1-3)
Silent hill home comming (controls kind of suck so far)

Your thoughts?
Big Silent Hill and Akira Yamaoka fan here!!!! I've finished all games except Homecoming (I just began it) and Shattered Memories (waiting the PS2 release).
I think I liked SH2 the most and though SH4 was quite different than the previous releases,it was pretty good too. What I like in that series is that they keep raising sickness in every release.
Of course Akira Yamaoka had a big role in the series,not only for his really great industrial-ambient-triphop-etc music, but was a general supervisor in the last releases. Too bad he left Konami.. Shattered Memories is the last release with Akira. I wonder what Konami is going to do now that there's none of the original SH team, because Silent Team has also left since SH4 if I'm not mistaken. I hope Konami keeps high standards. Looking forward to the new movie too...
Played all of them too. The best is the second one and the worst is Homecoming. Me and my friends were always making jokes while playing Homecoming, as if the japanese developers at Konami made the game easy/obvious for the "stupid western men" to understand. Later I learned that the game was actually made by western men. :lol:
My brother and I were always joking about Origins, laughing at how Travis is so out of shape he can't run for longer than 10 seconds at a time, yet can fit safes, filing cabinets and other ridiculously impractical weapons in his pockets.
Never played any of 'em, but they're definitely on my list! The PSN needs to start releasing PS2 games in a purely downloadable form (Microsoft has been doing it for years with original XBOX games)
A fried of mine loves the old Silent Hill games and so i tried them, too. They're really awesome and i don't dare to play them alone in the dark :lol:
The atmosphere is great.
But the control and the stupid camera sight make we want to kill many people.
I think the 2nd is heads and tails above the others in the series. The first is a classic but the plot is so convoluted...
I played the first one in my summer holiday while children where playing outside and birds where singing in the green trees under a blue sky... And it scared the fuck out of me! I tried to play the second one, but it was to scary, droped it after 25 minutes.
But i still love it! Should have played more.
I like the movie, because of the shivers i get, when the sirene kicks in. It really remindes me of playing the first one.
I´m kind of pissed on how some classics of survival horror sticks on purpose with crappy gameplay and camera under the argument that "it´s scarier and make you feel weak". Silent Hill and Resident Evil could learn a couple of things with Dead Space and Condemned 1.
I´m kind of pissed on how some classics of survival horror sticks on purpose with crappy gameplay and camera under the argument that "it´s scarier and make you feel weak". Silent Hill and Resident Evil could learn a couple of things with Dead Space and Condemned 1.

You're kidding right? Dead Space and Condemned are scary as Halo. I was so disappointed by Dead Space, just a normal action game.