Silent hill style synths?


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
Hi guys, I'm running Cubase 6 and doing my own project soon inspired by Akira Yamaoka who did the music for all the silent hill games before downfall.

I'm looking for synths and samples that can create the sounds that come in at 2:45 in this video:

Aswell as the synth in the background at 0:14 in this track

Aswell as the intro for the track in this:

I want synths that create a real melon-collie and ambient vibe.

I've got access to Reason 4 in college if I need it, I've been searching the internet and experimenting but still haven't managed to get the sounds I'm looking for.

Anyone got any ideas?
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NI absynth should work, also many free synths can do that.

there was a certain synth that had this ambient, sort of detuned SH sound spot on, i just can't recall the name.
it had a white GUI but well, many synths do...
Any good synth could do those sounds with some work. It's just a pad with some granulation and maybe an envelope filter and reverb effects added. Try Chimera, Bizune and Absynth and then add some fx in after.

I just did this with Chimera and a reverb plugin as an example
Well Chimera is free as is Bizune, and those are the weirder synths I know of.

Another kick ass free synth:

I know the video is all wub wub robot but you can do some decent melodic/pad stuff as well.
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didn't use synths for quite a long time now, I'm not really up to date.

bizune (already mentined by Termnus) is great for crazy sounds, i also like "MinimogueVA".
there's a ton of usable free stuff ou there...

when it comes to commercial stuff i always liked the image line can get a good insight by downloading the FlStudio demo, the synths are also included and they sound great.
You should definitely experiment with processing pianos, pads, and other synth sounds with reverbs and distortions to create a lot of these weird ambiences and resonances.

Also, check out the GForce M-Tron Pro. It's a sampler based on a Mellotron, and many of the sounds are great for things like this (when paired with ambient reverbs and such). Also, I know for a fact that Akira Yamaoka used it on his work for Shadows of the Damned, so that's something (whether or not he used Mellotron sounds for any of the Silent Hill stuff).
Awesome Terminus where can I download Chimera?

I might save up for the GForce M-Tron pro it looks pretty cool and I like the shadow of the damned soundtrack.

I'll look for MinimogueVA and Bizune soon :).
Dude use google! I found Chimera straight away.
For your first example - I can tell it has envelope control on cutoff, but can't really tell what is source sound (maybe if example had more than 320p), second example sounded like supper saw (3 or more OSC with saw slightly detuned +/- 0.06 - 0.10 with good chorus that can have 3-4 voices and slightly detuned) bandpassed + distortion (maybe before BP filter) + reverb.
Haven't listened to rest examples.