Silhouette spreadsheet music


Mar 17, 2006
Ive only looked abit, though presuming at least a few on this forrum plays piano/keyboard and has got the music to Silhouette?

Or if not a link to wear can buy it, or better veiw it for free :kickass:
this came up a while ago, i said i would transcribe when i get time.. but im busy with uni work at the minute. ps its generally not called spreadsheet music
Why do so many people seek this piano music? Can't you just play it from ear? If you can't, you don't have the piano skill necessary to play this tune anyway. :lol:
Oinkness said:
Why do so many people seek this piano music? Can't you just play it from ear? If you can't, you don't have the piano skill necessary to play this tune anyway. :lol:
Since you're such a great pianist, why don't you go and transcribe it for us poor talentless souls? Or do you even know the difference between treble and bass clef?
He never gave any indication that he could play it or transcribe it.

And yeah this dumb topic comes up every couple months and I'm sick of sending it to people. Search for it yourself, maybe I uploaded it somewhere and the link's still active.
Oinkness said:
Why do so many people seek this piano music? Can't you just play it from ear? If you can't, you don't have the piano skill necessary to play this tune anyway. :lol:

I've been playing classical piano for 10 years, and from my experienced perspective, you're a dumbass.

I haven't tried playing it by ear, and I might be able to, but saying that you can't play it if you can't do it by ear is just really fucking stupid.
Oinkness said:
Why do so many people seek this piano music? Can't you just play it from ear? If you can't, you don't have the piano skill necessary to play this tune anyway. :lol:
you are such a fucking idiot i do remeber not that long ago you had posted a thread like this for a song off damnation, god and your not very good on the piano yourself so i wouldnt go saying other people are bad! i remember it was like three chords off a song and you couldnt work that out
Man In Black said:
Since you're such a great pianist, why don't you go and transcribe it for us poor talentless souls? Or do you even know the difference between treble and bass clef?
The exact word i would have used.
Oinkness said:
Why do so many people seek this piano music? Can't you just play it from ear? If you can't, you don't have the piano skill necessary to play this tune anyway. :lol:
arrogant prat................maybe iv already realised i have no chance off learning it properly so maybe want to learn just a few phrases? or maybe i want it for other people who have the skilll to play it? dum dum oh your from USA that explains it:loco:
no no the most annoying thing is that he post one like this not that long ago and asked the same thing for an even easier song ther was only 3 chords, and hes not very good on the piano so dont worry
meanwhile, is the tab still available somewhere? since wankerness seems to have one or have done one, but is sick of sending it to people...which is understandable. but i can't find it at tab sites etc. it'd be cool to hear my sister play this
well it would be pretty difficult to tab piano???? u do need 'speadsheet music' lol with the music notated, and opeth dont do them, you could notate the song on sibelius, or music notes player, but some1 would have to it first.
affinityband said:

Tabs everything opeth does lulz....Very well infact.
ahhh power tab has the music notation i forgot, i was just thinking of the numbers
WeepingMoon said:
:lol: yeah..

and we all know wankerness is the king of opeth tabs... we're asking for the silhouette tab, which isn't on, or any regular tab sites that i can remember.
tab-- 1 2 3 4 16 19
you cannot tab piano unless you do C1 B1 C2 F4 but that wont make any sense to you and no one would bother, if you cannot read music ur pretty stuck on it... if u get the power tab of the song the numbers will not help you, and if u cant read the notation well u wont be able to learn the song
well i'm talkin about powertabs, which shows the notation.. i'm not exactly sure how the left hand would work out, but you could definately tab piano music on the right hand in powertab...can't you?

i can read notation, as can my sister, who would be playing it lol

there are programs out there i believe that are for piano notation, and i'm sure u can output it as a pdf or something to that effect.