Similar bands to Amon Amarth?


Oct 4, 2003
Alright, i know i already did a thread "your favorite music", but this one is slightly different.

What are some good bands that sound like Amon Amarth? They are turning into one of my favorite bands and i haven't really heard too many other bands that sound like them.

Also, if you can, try to say if the band you name sounds more like the new Amon Amarth sound (Vs. The World) or the older AA stuff. I think there is definitely a distinction, more than just the vocals, too.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
amon amarth

never heard of them, ill try them out though.

And to all you final fantasy I guys out there. Great game, but not as good as 2 or 3. I think FF3 might be the best rpg ever!
Didnt blot thrower get dropped from their label recently?

God Dethroned is awesome tho, very awesome. Their new album stomps so much ass they have to import colons from different countries to meet the demand.
PaganBlood said:
Burden of Grief are similar, and i agree with bolt thrower and battlesword definately. ANd where the fuck is BT when you need them? havnt heard anything from then in a long time and those guys FUCKING KILL!!!!

Arent all of their lyrics about like Warhammer board games? my friend plays those and is into metal, so Bolt Thrower is like his favorite band.
thanks guys, can you possibly recommend some of their hit songs? It takes me like 4-5 listens to like most metal... and when you multiply that by the 40 songs each band has, thats a lot of listening time.

mekane said:
thanks guys, can you possibly recommend some of their hit songs? It takes me like 4-5 listens to like most metal... and when you multiply that by the 40 songs each band has, thats a lot of listening time.


Try "The Art of Immolation" by God Dethroned and "No Guts, No Glory" by Bolt Thrower.
PaganBlood said:
Burden of Grief are similar, and i agree with bolt thrower and battlesword definately. ANd where the fuck is BT when you need them? havnt heard anything from then in a long time and those guys FUCKING KILL!!!!

Rumours go they're recording a new album...
asmallchild said:
Mekane why do u try so hard? It baffles me.

well, i, like many people, enjoy good music! That is why i try so hard to find good music i haven't heard.

Since im guessing thats not the effort you were talking about, maybe you could explain what im trying so hard at.
mekane said:
Since im guessing thats not the effort you were talking about, maybe you could explain what im trying so hard at.

mekane said:
thanks guys, can you possibly recommend some of their hit songs? It takes me like 4-5 listens to like most metal... and when you multiply that by the 40 songs each band has, thats a lot of listening time.


Thats what I'm talking about. Stop trying to force yourself into the music, like you were trying to force us with opeth and In flames songs. You're trying so damn hard to fit in, it's pathetic...I almost feel sorry for you,
hhhh.... lol.
I do presume though, that had mekane came to the forum with such questions in the first place, there would have been much less hatred towards him.
but it's too late so fuck him.