Simon Oberender Of Beyond The Bridge Passes Away

Beyond the Bridge had a big impact on me that I can't really explain. I even have a poster in my room signed by every member. 12 days ago. I'm devastated by this.

RIP Simon. You were a very talented musician, and from what I could tell, a nice guy, too.

Prayers to Simon's family and friends, and to his bandmates in Trillium and Beyond the Bridge. I can't image what they're going through right now.
This is the note i saw from Frontiers Records

Frontiers Records wishes to express its condolences for the tragic passing of BEYOND THE BRIDGE guitar and keyboard player Simon Oberender.

Oberender was also the keyboardist for Amanda Somerville’s band Trillium and worked in the Gate Studios in Wolfsburg as a sound engineer and producer. He recorded, mixed, mastered (together with Sascha Paeth) and produced Beyond The Bridge's debut album ‘The Old Man And The Spirit.’

Oberender appeared on several other albums, including Avantasia’s 2010 releases ‘The Wicked Symphony’ and ‘Angel of Babylon,’ Edguy’s ‘Age of the Joker’ (2011), Epica’s ‘Requiem for the Indifferent’ (2012), Rhapsody of Fire’s ‘The Frozen Tears of Angels’ (2010) and Kamelot’s ‘Silverthorn,’ which will be released next month.
All I can do is pretty much repeat what everybody else said. This news pretty much has me feeling like I just got kicked in the nuts! I've spent some time chatting with Simon myself - a really cool guy that love what he is doing. I was utterly blown away by the performance Beyond The Bridge put on at ProgPower. What a devastating loss to both this extremely talented band and to the prog/power metal scene as a whole. Good bye my new friend, Simon, and may your soul rest in peace. You will be missed dearly. His family, band, and friends are all in my prayers.
Yes, we just heard from our friend Michael T Ross this morning as well. Michael knows Simon's family well so they are working to deal with such a loss. I guess beings Michael has played with Lita Ford, Dale Bozzio and others, they've grown close.

This is very sad and YES, eerie because just a few weeks ago he was at Progpower!
From :


KAMELOT has issued the following statement:

"We were, and still are deeply shocked and saddened to learn about the passing of Simon Oberender, guitarist/ keyboardist for Beyond The Bridge and Trillium. Simon was also part of the Kamelot family since he worked with Sascha Paeth on the production of the album (sound engineering) and was one of the voices of the Silverthorn Choir. He was also the mastering engineer for Silverthorn. The picture below shows him at work during choir recording sessions in June at the Gate Studio in Wolfsburg, Germany. Our condolences go out to his family and all at Gate Studios.

Rest in peace Simon, we miss you!"

Soooo sad. Easily that is the album of the year for me. I thought this is the album that Dream Theater could not make following Scenes from the Memory Pt2 .

What was the cause ?