Simple (Pro tools specific) question

Sep 26, 2011
Hey guys I just recently switched back to pro tools and I noticed now when sending tracks to aux lets say for a bus, there's an option that says "track" and you can send it to a stereo bus there there. Is that just an easier way of sending to a buses without choosing one and renaming it?

ps. I didn't want to create an account to use the avid forum. I figured a bit of you already know and use pro tools, and I'm much more comfortable here. :grin:

Thanks Again
Yea it's just a shortcut. Pretty handy. You can also select a group of tracks, lets say all the drums, hold shift+opt, select the output, select "new track" and it will let you automatically create a new buss or audio track and route everything to it. It's slightly quicker, but I never really do it because it creates or renames the bus path in the i/o setup, and I've had issues with importing other session setting in where the the buss paths got weird.

I still just create the aux, select a bus for it's input, then grab all the tracks I want to go to it and set them to the same buss.
Thanks man, also that funny cause I just finished having a similar situation now i know why. So you don't rename buses at all or you just don't use the shortcut?
I don't re-name the busses. I just create an aux, assign it a buss for input, name the TRACK, but not the buss. Then if you want to make a send or buss something to that aux you can still select it's name from the shortcut but it doesn't automatically re-name your buss paths, thus saving the headache of importing session settings that don't have re-named buss paths.

If all that makes sense