Sin City and the artwork of VE and TBS


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
I went and saw Sin City the other day, and the first thing that struck me was just how similar the imagery in that is to the artwork of VE and TBS. The city could have been the same. I thought that was awesome. Did anyone else notice this when watching the movie? Man, some Katatonia would have fit right in to that movie. ~_~

P.S. I know there's not much to discuss with this topic -- I'm just curious.
I gave a look at the trailers and yeah if that is the still you mean, you're right, it looks very similar to Trav's artwork.

How was the film btw? Is it worth going to watch it?
and more to add to this... since we started workin with trav i've kept tellin him sometimes to incorporate a certain vibe from dark rainy deserted back alleys... u now, that whole location with wet concrete, moisty air, scattered debris, black leather, blank steel.. basically something like the gotham city vibe... and always thought specifically about frank miller's work... and here he is responsible behind the movie, so i cant wait to catch this!
Yeah, the movie is definitely worth catching. I didn't want to see it at first because from the trailers it looked like there was no plot, but I went with some friends and I enjoyed every second of it. Brilliant cinematography, highly involving storylines that interweave at the end.

@Anders: Yeah, I can really see it, although I would never have guessed that Frank Miller was someone you had in mind. That just makes me think even more that he should have taken the time to discover y'all, because some VE would have fit right in, especially songs like Ghost of the Sun, Criminals, A Premonition, Evidence and Inside the City of Glass.

@Travis: Definitely go check it out. I think they might have ripped off some of your work. =P Seriously, it's a good movie, well worth seeing once or twice in theatres.