Sin City

I dunno, after Brazil (when Gilliam was asked to do it), I think it would have some pretty amazing set-pieces and shite. It probably would have done better at the box-office then instead of now since we are no longer in the Cold War.
JayK: don't know, but if there's ever been a graphically illustrated story that needed to be made into a movie, it's The Watchmen.

Never read Walking Dead, but I have the first 45-or-so issues of 100 Bullets, and it's 99.9% as good as Sin City (only because Sin City came first). Fucking brilliant series of stories and great running theme.

Another brilliant story that would make the transition to big screen rather nicely IMO is a DC Vertigo title called "Y, The Last Man." It's basically about a guy who quite literally is the last man on Earth after a strange plague wipes out everyone with an X chromosome...except him for some reason (thus the book being titled "Y..."). You can imagine what happens when women start to discover that there IS a man left. Shit gets hairy right quick.
Dick Sirloin said:
I dunno, after Brazil (when Gilliam was asked to do it), I think it would have some pretty amazing set-pieces and shite.

Yep, but you realize Gilliam today is not the man/director he used to be. He has fallen from grace.

Plus I think we have some cool new directors out there, guys (my age) that grew up on the stuff and know what works & what doesn't.

Giving The Hulk to Ang Lee was one of the biggest mistakes in modern movie history.
The Indian guy who directed Dukes of Hazzard and Super Troopers seems to be big time into pop culture as well ... someone to watch for.
markgugs said:
JayK: don't know, but if there's ever been a graphically illustrated story that needed to be made into a movie, it's The Watchmen.

Agreed 100%. *cough* Peter Jackson *cough*

But for now, I will accept Emma Frost as consolation prize in X3. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Yep, but you realize Gilliam today is not the man/director he used to be. He has fallen from grace.

I agree, he certainly peaked in the 80s. I take it "The Brothers Grimm" sucked, huh...
markgugs said:
JayK: don't know, but if there's ever been a graphically illustrated story that needed to be made into a movie, it's The Watchmen.

Never read Walking Dead, but I have the first 45-or-so issues of 100 Bullets, and it's 99.9% as good as Sin City (only because Sin City came first). Fucking brilliant series of stories and great running theme.

Another brilliant story that would make the transition to big screen rather nicely IMO is a DC Vertigo title called "Y, The Last Man." It's basically about a guy who quite literally is the last man on Earth after a strange plague wipes out everyone with an X chromosome...except him for some reason (thus the book being titled "Y..."). You can imagine what happens when women start to discover that there IS a man left. Shit gets hairy right quick.

Y the last man is currently one of my favorite books of all time. Even though he is a puss for the first few volumes of the trades for obvious reasons, haha. BUT I WON'T GIVE STUFF AWAY!
markgugs said:
Emma Frost is going to be in X3?!


I'm going to start jerking off now k thx

Oh yeah, not that ANYTHING has been confirmed yet officially, but all the geekboys have the inside scoop (it's the blonde chick from The OC -- Ashley Hartman).

There was talk about it as soon as the figurine was released a couple of months back.

General Zod said:
Care to provide some details on these two?

Broken Flowers is the last Jim Jarmush film with Bill Murray playing a career womanizer who gets an unknown letter from an ex gf, telling him that he has a son, so he visits some of his ex girlfriends hoping that he will find him. Its kinda slow movie, but very moody and even Murray's eyebrows act better than all Hollywood actors.
Sympathy For Lady Vengenace is the last part of Chan Wook Park's "vengeance trilogy" and its about a woman (possibly innocent, possibly guilty) who gets out of the prison after 13 years Now she tries to locate the one responsible for her whole demise and kick his ass. It sounds like a thriller but its mostly a psychological drama with a great doze of black humor, some trippy and imaginative moments and the director's idea about vengeance.. of course.

Because other than 12 Monkeys, he hasn't made a highly decent film since Brazil IMO.
Are you joking? "The Fisher King" and "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" are in my top 3 of his films (the other is "Brazil" yes.)
"Broken Flowers", despite the fact that I've never seen it, rules because it has Sleep's "Dopesmoker" playing in one of the scenes.
Y the last man is currently one of my favorite books of all time. Even though he is a puss for the first few volumes of the trades for obvious reasons, haha. BUT I WON'T GIVE STUFF AWAY!

I should really go buy those trades.

I only have the first 13 issues, so clearly there's some catching up to do.
markgugs said:
I should really go buy those trades.

I only have the first 13 issues, so clearly there's some catching up to do.

Ide say your not missing out but then I'de be lieing horribly, because its fucking amazing.
Yeah, I gave up on collecting about 3 years back, when I simply couldn't justify the cost of where books had gone. I was spending over $250/month on comic books!

I have a ridiculous collection, somewhere in the ballpark of 9,000+ comics, mostly Mylar bagged & boarded.
markgugs said:
Yeah, I gave up on collecting about 3 years back, when I simply couldn't justify the cost of where books had gone. I was spending over $250/month on comic books!

I have a ridiculous collection, somewhere in the ballpark of 9,000+ comics, mostly Mylar bagged & boarded.

DCP PACKS BROTHER get them, live them, love them. Every comic book that matters basicly, every month, digital scans, free.