Since im generous...

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I'll be getting some Nevermore VHS's in the mail pretty soon, so i thought...
If anyone here would want a(some) show(s) that ill be getting, i figured id do this... If you want one, you can send me a BLANK VHS tape(s), ill copy the show(s) onto it... then when i copy it, ill send the tape back... ill get back to you all when i get the shows
Ohh nice I'll send one too.. Nevermore live kicks ass
Ecstatic Youth I live in the same city as you :eek:
EY - If you'd like I'll send 2 vhs tapes and send you one when I get it back or something like that :confused:

Originally posted by Gums
Ohh nice I'll send one too.. Nevermore live kicks ass
Ecstatic Youth I live in the same city as you :eek:
If you'd like I'll send 2 vhs tapes and send you one when I get it back or something like that :confused:

woah, thats cool. good to know that theres more Hamiltonian's here. Ti-Cats sure are gonna blow this year eh? Bob Wade sure does suck too. anyways, enough Hamilton talk.

Was that last thing directed at me?
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
i don't like stoney creek, so many suburbs. *shudder*
my friend lives there. he has the most homsexual street name ever: Sugarplum Crt. how gay is that?

Stoney Creek really isn't that bad..
What's your friends name? Do you have icq or msn or something to make this easier?