Since no one has posted this.... Division, Odin's Court, and Sonata Arctica 4/13

Yeah, apparently the band's been a little busy...

We look forward to seeing everyone again - should be a lot of fun.

As always, we have tickets available - and they're $5 cheaper than the door price.

Hey eaeolian, how to get those tickets 5 buck cheaper? I plan to be there and might as well get them from you.

eaeolian said:
Yeah, apparently the band's been a little busy...

We look forward to seeing everyone again - should be a lot of fun.

As always, we have tickets available - and they're $5 cheaper than the door price.

Beg to differ; my half gay... i mean.. half-asian doesn't look like him :p


I need you (Nick) to PM me your address so I can send you a SASE to send me tickets with.. and, of course, send you money... LOL
Well, I'm a dumbass (the Division collective says: "we knew that already!") and requested off the 23rd. I shall have to rectify that when I go back to work on Monday. If I can't find a ride home, I may have to take off the 14th too and bother somebody for couch space...
Can't wait so see Everyone and SA. Been waiting for them to come to the states for a few years now. Hoping they would'a played PP by now but this is better to see them with Friends and a little closer to home.
Cindy aka LuCinda
LuCinda said:
Can't wait so see Everyone and SA. Been waiting for them to come to the states for a few years now. Hoping they would'a played PP by now but this is better to see them with Friends and a little closer to home.
Cindy aka LuCinda

Hey Cindy!

I am looking very forward to seeing you again! Its been a while! And now you get to watch your two favorite Critical Path guys play in their new bands on the same night! Along with one of your favorites! Awesome night, for sure!
By the way; what time wil you guys be playing?
I need to figure out if I need to get off work early (hopefully not; I'll be missing enough cause of surgery)