Since no one has posted this.... Division, Odin's Court, and Sonata Arctica 4/13

heheh I was having car issues (seriously; like I told Nick my husband had the wheel off the car, in the dark with a flashlight to fix it so I could get to the show cause I have not missed a show in YEARS), and ended up getting there just as Division was walking offstage.
Who was the group who went on after Division?
I ended up leaving during their set; I've been dealing with migranes all week, so it was a fight to stay LOL But I DID make the show.... Late, and not long.. but... ah well..
Jay and I'll be at the Testament show, it's a weekend so there' sno "OMG I need to RUSH from work" crap...
Great show!!! Sonata Arctica were awesome live!! Glad I got your Paradise Lost album, in one listen it sounds like the best music you have ever made..
Ladies, gentlemen, and gaysians of Division...

You guys kicked much ass last night! You were tight and having a good time -- despite Matt being deathly ill on stage. It is a sign of true professionalism to not only play but to not make it obvious how you are really feeling.

Ron, it truly was awesome to see you having a great time up there and playing your ass off! It made me proud to know we played together for so long! Your level of playing and energy was awesome! Seriously!!

The new stuff sounded great too. I particularly enjoyed Gemini -- that has a real nice groove going for it -- the intro was cool too!

I look forward to OC and Division doing many more shows together!
NickDivision said:
It's always a damn good time to hang with Odin's Court. I hate that Matt goes on before me though, cause then I have to wear long sleeves. hehe.

Yeah, the heavy drinkers that we are ;-) Actually, the drummer and bassist are good for some alcohol consumption. lol!!!! Now that is funny!

BTW, ever see the Mudvayne video for Dig? Matt hooked me up with that. It is some crazy shit!
the show kicked ass... :headbang: thanks

oh and "Hi" btw..I'm one of the chickies Andrew brought along..(check avatar..I'm the one in the middle)

Had an awesome time. Good meeting you guys..very cool indeed. Looking forward to future dates. Wanna be there!!

Anne :Shedevil:
Rick Pierpont said:
Ladies, gentlemen, and gaysians of Division...

You guys kicked much ass last night! You were tight and having a good time -- despite Matt being deathly ill on stage. It is a sign of true professionalism to not only play but to not make it obvious how you are really feeling.

Ron, it truly was awesome to see you having a great time up there and playing your ass off! It made me proud to know we played together for so long! Your level of playing and energy was awesome! Seriously!!

The new stuff sounded great too. I particularly enjoyed Gemini -- that has a real nice groove going for it -- the intro was cool too!

I look forward to OC and Division doing many more shows together!

Thanks Rick! And thank you everyone else that was there. I've never had a better time on stage as that last show.

\m/ RonK
Great meeting you Anne, welcome to the family. I change the moniker of the Division folks all the time. Currently I like the sound of The Loyal because quite frankly everyone sticks with us through thick and thin, and we love 'em for it.

As for Mudvayne, I'm real big into them. Dig was their debut video and they've changed looks and individual band names a ton of times since then. Their outfits to the first MTV awards where they won New BAnd of the Year were awesome. White tuxedos with bullet hole makeup on their foreheads and blood running down.
NickDivision said:
Great meeting you Anne, welcome to the family. I change the moniker of the Division folks all the time. Currently I like the sound of The Loyal because quite frankly everyone sticks with us through thick and thin, and we love 'em for it.

Thanks, Nick.

Count me in.You guys really rock and I think some people in my area need an education. Gonna get the word out in my area :headbang: