Guitarist for Division
They were really good when we played with them at Jaxx for their tour kick-off, but I heard they had gotten much tighter on the road, but I had no idea they were just gonna unload the way they did. It seems they felt like they had something to prove at this festival, and decided to hammer the real progy guys who aren't into this sort of stuff. It was really cool hearing some really rare live tunes, too.
I noticed that some guys showed up just for Forbidden, and then left, since I only noticed for about two hours that weekend. Booking them was a shrewd move, since it expanded the audience for a Saturday. Hell, I'm used to festivals being about the handful of bands I want to see, since I basically made the long drive for four acts, and I don't regret it one bit.
Dude, that is so awesome. He was in the tour shirt and knew the words to every song they played. I was giving him high fives and everything, since I was so stoked to see someone his age geeking out on tech thrash. You rule, dude, my old man listened to fucking Tom T Hall.
I noticed that some guys showed up just for Forbidden, and then left, since I only noticed for about two hours that weekend. Booking them was a shrewd move, since it expanded the audience for a Saturday. Hell, I'm used to festivals being about the handful of bands I want to see, since I basically made the long drive for four acts, and I don't regret it one bit.
This was Michael's 4th Progpower and he was super stoked for Forbidden and Sanctuary. Being a huge fan of both bands since high school, I still listen to them frequently so he has kind of grown up listening to them. Plus he idolizes Gene Hoglan so seeing him live was a dream for him. I was a few rows back at the edge of the pit watching him and making sure his older brother was ok moshing. Music is a big deal in our family, so we tend to enjoy the same stuff and I have been bringing them to concerts with me since they were both about 8 years old. Its the one thing I will always share with my kids...
Dude, that is so awesome. He was in the tour shirt and knew the words to every song they played. I was giving him high fives and everything, since I was so stoked to see someone his age geeking out on tech thrash. You rule, dude, my old man listened to fucking Tom T Hall.