Since when did Dreamy become a moddie here?


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
Not that it's a bad thing or anything, I just noticed that teenyweeny text at the top that says Moderated by Dreamwatch. :loco:

Cool. :D
Yeah! Dreamy rocks! I know some people will say

who the hell does she moderate anyway

but life's full of geeks you know :)

edited to add: :D
*walks into room wearing spiked stiletoes and smacking a whip in her hand*

Hmmm . . . seems like we have some very naughty boys here who need lots of disipline. So who wants to be first to have their naughty little bottom smacked . . . hmm . . . :err:

*dreamy realises she's in the wrong room and makes a hasty exit!!!* :OMG:

Seriously though, your all very good boys here and I'm sure I shan't have to ever put any of you over my knee and give you a jolly good spanking because you all play so nicely together. :D
Originally posted by dreamwatch
*walks into room wearing spiked stiletoes and smacking a whip in her hand*

Hmmm . . . seems like we have some very naughty boys here who need lots of disipline. So who wants to be first to have their naughty little bottom smacked . . . hmm . . . :err:

*dreamy realises she's in the wrong room and makes a hasty exit!!!* :OMG:

Seriously though, your all very good boys here and I'm sure I shan't have to ever put any of you over my knee and give you a jolly good spanking because you all play so nicely together. :D
But incase we´re bad, do you think Strangey wouldn´t mind you doing that?:err: