Singing Lessons?

Feb 4, 2004
New Holland
Ok so I'm contemplating taking singing lessons.. I do gutteral's and black metal vocals but I really have a terrible clean singing voice so I want to atleast improve it slightly before I ask anyone to help me..

Can anyone give me any tips on singing clean? My voice, the tone atleast is around the baritone mark and sounds somewhat like Vintersorg, but not quite as deep. Help:cry:!
The first step to fixing anything is identifying the problem. In what way is your voice terrible? If you are out of key, then you need to work on your listening. If you can't hold a note, it's your breathing you probably need to work on. If it's lack of range, then simple melodic exercises can help.
Hi there FrostbittenGrimness,

I should think that your approach to singing clean vocals is all screwed up!

What a singing teacher will do is to teach you to turn your vocal pathway into a resonating tube like trombone or a saxaphone. What happens is that unschooled singers sing from their throat which then takes a load of punish ment and strain. A schooled singer makes the the structure of your head resonate to make you louder and sing with a richer tone without the shredded throat. You can then use more breath and a change of mouth shape and vowel sounds to dirty up the tone to your liking. But this takes work just as practicing on a guitar.

What a singing teacher will give you is diagnosis of your tendencies in your mouth ie you might have a tongue that blocks the sound because it'smoving around or blocking the thraot etc. then they will give you a few exercise to undo bad habits. If you tune in on the feeling of singing with the right technique, that is how the sound is travelling around your head and where the note is vibrating ie your checkbones, the top of your mouth (soft palette) etc then you can learn to get it again!

The trick is finding a good teacher. But try lessons and see for yourself.

I take singing lessons and it has helped me out a lot, I can reach the falsetto range now because of it. Singing teachers can help you a lot with sound tell you what you are doing wrong, and teach you to sing without damaging you're throat .