Singing lessons...

Mar 18, 2002
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Hmm...I have bought a singing lesson CD :blush:
I just have to learn sing really well. I can sing half good but not great which I want.

The CD contains lessons on how to improve your range.
Its very much about removing you tensions in neck, jaw etc.
You should sing whithout your adamsapple(?) moving upwards when singing high. Because that will block your throat completely.


How will I do it? Im sure somebody here has token a singing lesson before.

Need tips...

Originally posted by requiem
How about throwing the fucking cd in the garbage and singing like your soul wants to.

Because singing is a technical art that almost anyone can learn with hard work, perseverence and the right techniques. For those of us unlucky to be naturally gifted, such things as voice lessons are a good and sometimes the only way to get started with the basic neccessities you need to have before you can go-off doing all the fancy stuff. is an interesting place to start.
Originally posted by SculptedCold

Because singing is a technical art that almost anyone can learn with hard work, perseverence and the right techniques. For those of us unlucky to be naturally gifted, such things as voice lessons are a good and sometimes the only way to get started with the basic neccessities you need to have before you can go-off doing all the fancy stuff.

Yes, of course. But the sad fact is, if you need help singing by your late teens or early twenties, you're in a bit of trouble.

Of course everyone can learn the skill of singing, but how many of your favourite vocalists have had official training?

I don't know, maybe it's a good thing. From my experience, though, the best voices are born, not made.
"Of course everyone can learn the skill of singing, but how many of your favourite vocalists have had official training?"
(sorry about the quote)

Some people has the right technique from the beginning and have learned to use the throat the right way. While somebody has developed wrong and uses the voice on a wrong way.

It isnt just black and white and many, many proffesional singers has token lessons. Most of the great singers today has joined the school choir when they went to school and learned the right technique there.

If Mikael not yet has taken lessons, I think he really should beacause his technique isnt the best at the clean stuff...

Learn from Chris Cornell.
I tried to sing for years and everyone told me to stop!! It wasn't until I was in my EARLY 30s that things clicked. I had a bunch of lessons and books but I really got comfortable with my voice when I worked driving a delivery van in NYC. I used to sing DT's "Metropolis" every day for over 2 years. I wouldn't worry so much about every little thing like your adams apple. Try to keep your tongue loose and flat and your jaw and neck free from tension. Take healthy breaths with plenty of diaphram support but don't over do it. Finally, p[ay attention to yourself in a mirror and make sure everything is functioning smoothly, shoulders loose, chin down and all that. Most importantly, try everything. If you can't hit a certain note, try substituting your vowel sound. LaBrie is a master at it.

When I finally got in my first band as a vocalist (October Thorns) I was able to live my dream and we actually covered the song that made me a singer.

Don't give up!!!
