Single Channel Mic-Preamp?


Jul 27, 2005
Hey there,

i'm into the market for a decent yet reasonably priced mic preamp right now, preferable single channel (to save some $$$), as i'll only be recording vocals and guitar - no need for multitrack recording e.g. drums or whatever.
one line input would also be great, so that i can route the preamp out of my 5150 for impulses into my DAW (using a toneport set flat as of right now :erk: ).

this is for home studio use only, so i'm not trying to get into real professional levels here. hence the price range - about 400 euro max would be great.

so, any recommendations??

thanks in advance
Looks like the 7602s are discontinued now! I suppose the used market will get be getting more expensive?

They are only discountinued because a Mk.II is on its way. I hear they aren't too great for vocals fwiw. Nice on everything else though.

Mk.II has a built in power supply, which makes it more appealing imo.
sorry guys, took me a while. thanks for the recommendations so far!

as for the RNP, it's 477 euro, which is just a tad above my desired limit to be honest. if it's *really* worth it i'd bite the bullet, i guess :D

the rane unit also looks nice, although i'd likely need a 1/4" output to connect it to my m-audio soundcard (audiophile 2496...btw, good, bad, or ugly? :D)

to specify my needs, most of the time i end up recording vocals with a plain sm58 (handheld, it's tricky, but still works great with really heavy/energetic least imho), so that'd be priority nr1.
i'll be getting a sm57 in the near future, though, so i can finally get into micing a guitar cab [still looking for some cheap yet effective DIY solution to reduce the sound levels...DIY iso cab would be great. just thought i'd mention it :) ].

so, with that in mind.....are there any (dare i say it) less expensive alternatives? i'm mixing 100% ITB right now (and that won't change anytime soon), and i'm more often mixing than actually tracking stuff, so keep that in mind.
i don't really know much about this topic, though, so if you guys say that cheaping out here would bite me in the ass sooner or later, i won't.

edit: what about something like this: am i looking at crap here, or is there actually some decent stuff in that range? btw, not exactly single channel, i know :D
I guess the SM Pro Audio is OK, but what about the some of the Presonus-stuff? I believe they make at least just as nice things in that pricerange.
sorry guys, took me a while. thanks for the recommendations so far!

as for the RNP, it's 477 euro, which is just a tad above my desired limit to be honest. if it's *really* worth it i'd bite the bullet, i guess :D

the rane unit also looks nice, although i'd likely need a 1/4" output to connect it to my m-audio soundcard (audiophile 2496...btw, good, bad, or ugly? :D)

to specify my needs, most of the time i end up recording vocals with a plain sm58 (handheld, it's tricky, but still works great with really heavy/energetic least imho), so that'd be priority nr1.
i'll be getting a sm57 in the near future, though, so i can finally get into micing a guitar cab [still looking for some cheap yet effective DIY solution to reduce the sound levels...DIY iso cab would be great. just thought i'd mention it :) ].

so, with that in mind.....are there any (dare i say it) less expensive alternatives? i'm mixing 100% ITB right now (and that won't change anytime soon), and i'm more often mixing than actually tracking stuff, so keep that in mind.
i don't really know much about this topic, though, so if you guys say that cheaping out here would bite me in the ass sooner or later, i won't.

edit: what about something like this: am i looking at crap here, or is there actually some decent stuff in that range? btw, not exactly single channel, i know :D

Studio Projects VTB1 check out the reviews on it. And the tube does add its magic.
Studio Projects VTB1 check out the reviews on it. And the tube does add its magic.

dude, that thingy looks really nice! just checked it over at thomann...haven't read the reviews (yet), though.
so, what's the verdict? is it any good (esp considering the indeed quite low price?), or should i look at something different??
because i think i'll go for this one if i get the OK from here ;)
I picked up a Mackie Onyx satellite to use as preamps for my mbox (cant say i like the mbox pre's much tbh) only £130 and in my opinion they're very clean transparent pre's that dont get in the way. Much cheaper than the price range you're looking at though obviously.

RNP does have one hell of a reputation, well worth a look.
The ART Gold MPA has a seriously good rep, especially with a tube upgrade. That should be under your budget.
The ART Gold MPA has a seriously good rep, especially with a tube upgrade. That should be under your budget.

I just read about a guy who tried that on Gearslutz and he only reported minor changes..
I have no idea myself.. Just for info..
i have a mackie onyx 1640 and an MPA gold...and i can tell you that if you're tracking electric guitars, bass, and vox, the MPA gold will work pretty well for you