Sitting all day makes me sic...

Aug 9, 2010
do you know this problem? I sit when I record music, I sit when I mix, I sit when I master, I sit when I edit, I sit when I drive my car, I sit when I'm in the internet, I sit when I eat, I sit when I shit, I even sit when I'm just chillin and being sitting around! DAMN, this makes me sick. Sometimes I think, all producers or engineers do have this problem. Our job is done by just sitting and starring onto LCDs. I'm so happy when I record drums and I have to do some steps to mic a kit! :D Sometimes, when I go to sleep I feel like I only did about 50 steps the whole day!

This has to end... I need more gigs for my band or something! :kickass:

(BTW I'm not fat.. ;D.. and I know, I have to do some sports.. but what and mainly WHEN?)
I have that feeling all the time, and when it rains outside all you can do is sit and play guitar or browse tinterwebz
I've started biking to work more and rebought a skateboard a couple for weeks back for this reason
Nice to hear I'm not alone with this.. I already thought about selling my car, so I'm forced to walk! Moving my guitar rack or recording stuff would be difficult, though. Man, I'm 24 but my heart runs like I'm 50 when I'm taking some stairs! :lol:
I cooked some motherfuckin' SOUP.
But I felt bad for beheading the prawns I put in so no more seafood for me.
Last week i recorded a band whilst standing on a box in the middle of them. Much more enjoyable than sitting behind glass.
I know how you feel. A sedentary lifestyle will take its toll on your body, and you start to feel a lot older than you actually are.

Regular excercise is a good idea. Now if only I'd take my own advice and get back into it (did it quite vigorously for about 3 years while I was starting AE... no time now).
I lnow what you mean.
I play football once ore twice a week.
Have no car and walk alot...

then I work for a television show as a technical assistant and have to stand most of the time behind the cameras....

but doing sport once will make you life much better.
but you have to find a sport you realy enjoy otherwise it feels like work AGAIN...
I can relate essentially, because when I'm not doing musical stuff, I'm sitting on my laptop doing web design for uni/ work and then spare time on the net
I try to keep busy by plaing sport etc. I play dodgebal *yep haha* and indoor soccer. So I get about 2 huors of sport in a week etc. It definitely helps break things up!
I had this same dilema at the start of the year. Since late April I have been doing weights three days a week. I got to the point where my neglect of my body was giving me a sore back. I have to keep this up now to stop the pain coming back.
I also like to walk when I have the time and I need something from the local shops, or just go for a stroll through the city.

When the warmer weather hits I will add more walking, cycling and maybe some running on my "inbetween" days.

i'm more worried about my eyes

I had my eyes tested and got some glasses for use at work and home when I'm at the computer.
Rest the eyes as much as you can bring yourself to, keep the light soft (when you have a say/ any control) and get your eyes checked.
Better to wear some weak glasses now than wait untill later and you've strained your eyes too much.
i'm more worried about my eyes

Yeah, this is my second disease! :D DRY eyes caused by hours of staring onto colored tracks, faders and waveforms!
Got some eye drops against it last week.
When your adding some Tinnitus issues, you have outlined all typical producer diseases, I think! :loco:
Weights work wonders for the body, seriously.
I used to be a really athletic guy when I was young, but sometime during 2007, when I was 18, I just stopped exercising properly.
Earlier this year, I went through a 2-3 week period of fucking excruciating lower back pain (think of what it would feel like having a brick thrown at your back really hard, and then have that pain 24-7 for 2-3 weeks straight....not fun).
Now that I've been hitting the weights, it's no longer a problem for me, due to a stronger back and that because of the nature of lifting weights and having to keep a good back posture, it's become natural for me to always maintain good posture when I'm standing up.
The good nutrition that would come with any smart weights regime also helps a lot.