On my third listen as I'm writing this, Steve. First thoughts (keep in mind, I'm at work listening on headphones):
1. I agree. I think the vocals are a little too loud during the soft beginning part. Bring them down some (and possibly the guitars during that section) so the whole thing builds up a little.
2. I'd maybe bring the back up vocals up just a little (up until the guitar solo. After the solo, they seem louder). And maybe somehow push them out wider. Or double up those parts (another take) and pan them out wider. I'm sure about this...just an initial thought.
3. Bring the guitar solo up. It's really buried.
4. It's clipping at around 2:03.
5. What are you doing for bass? I know it's there, but it's not really distinguishable. This could really benefit from a fatter sounding bass with more bottom.
Personally, I'd maybe ease off the over all compression/limiting of the mix a tad, to maybe let it breathe just a little. But, that's really a personal preference. You know I'm old school.

If you ease up a little bit on the "smashing", the beginning part will probably get a little softer sounding too. (IMO) When things are smashed hard, the soft parts just don't sound right, because they're not soft anymore. Take, for instance, Masterplan's album "Aeronautics". I FRIGGIN' LOVE this album. BUT...on a song like "Love Is A Rock"...it starts out with soft keyboard sounds (strings and pads). When I hear it, it's already loud. So I'm thinking "damn, this is going to really kick in hard when the rest of the music comes in, if the keys are this loud". But then when the rest of the music kicks in, the mix is already smashed so hard...there's no where for it to go. It's kind of a let down to me. Get what I mean? Okay, this is all just the rambling thoughts of an old timer.
Now, with that out of the way...I love this song, Steve! You've got the whole vibe going on that I know you're after. You're wearing your influences on your sleeve with this, but I LIKE it. I like all the songs you come up with, but this is one of the better ones. Hurry up and get this stuff done and put something out, will you?!!