
Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth
For you folks on the fence about attending the Thursday night Showcase, or pre-festival, or whatever it's called now, please consider going and being there early!!! I have had the pleasure of following Six Minute Century (SMC) since their inception (can't even remember the year!!). They are an ever-evolving, tight band with incredible riffs and songs about real-life happenings, including war (Zero Hour), the Oklahoma City bombing (April 19, 1995), Dr. Martin Luther King (One Man's Dream) and the Jonestown massacre (Last Days in Paradise). They also sing very personal songs such as "Perfect Picture", which they usually close with.

I usually describe SMC as a Dream Theater on steriods with John Arch singing. Musically, they are extremely technical and have numerous riffs that will tend to stick to your brain!! The players are:

Chuck on vox - As I said earlier, Chuck is a John Arch type singer. He has incredible range, especially on the high end and is VERY passionate about the subject matter. Chuck writes most of the lyrics.

Michael on bass - plays an 8-string NS Stick. Mike is the only different member of the original band and is a shredding type player. Mike has an incredible amount of stage presence and is VERY entertaining. Mike LOVES what he does!!

Darren on drums - If you caught Krucible at the ProgPower showcase a few years go, you saw Darren on drums. VERY fast feet, with a lot of double bass and very quick changes. A Mike Portnoy disciple, Darren plays very challenging chops, especially at the end of the epic songs, such as "Killing Fields".

Don on guitar - One of my all time favorite guitar players, Don blends elements of shredding with incredibly soulful playing. He has a wonderful stage presence and reminds me of Steve Vai meets John Petrucci meets Michael Romeo. His riffs and melodies are original and always stick with me after every listening.

Bottom line, SMC sounds like..., well, SMC!!! The difference between the debut CD (Time Capsules - Nightmare Records) and the newer material is they are getting darker and heavier, IMO. I very much like this direction!!

Come to the Thursday night showcase at 6:30 and see for yourself!! Links of interest:

Teaser interview with Don:

Promo Video - (Go to the bottom of the page and scroll across):



Chris :rock:
Please no DT comparisons, SMC has their own unique sound, heavy, melodic, sometimes dark and brooding, but alwys top-notch
I enjoyed their recent performance opening for Fates Warning. :rock:

Hopefully, your John Arch comparisons don't scare anyone off. ;) Seriously though, IMO, Chuck's vocals are more accessible than Arch's...and SMC should appeal to a wider audience than Arch-era Fates.

*In case anyone thinks I'm slamming John Arch, I'm not! Just take a look at my user name. :cool:
Please no DT comparisons, SMC has their own unique sound, heavy, melodic, sometimes dark and brooding, but alwys top-notch

Understood, but you have to know that when you play this style of metal, there's ALWAYS gonna be Dream Theater comparisons. It's just the nature of the beast.
Understood, but you have to know that when you play this style of metal, there's ALWAYS gonna be Dream Theater comparisons. It's just the nature of the beast.

Yea I know, but to be honest in the case of SMC i don't see any resemblance to DT, maybe some Symphony X or even QR but DT not happening.
Yea I know, but to be honest in the case of SMC i don't see any resemblance to DT, maybe some Symphony X or even QR but DT not happening.

Perfectly legitimate description for people who are fortunate enough to know who Symphony X are, and to know more Queenryche material than just "Silent Lucidity" or other type 'hits'.
From my interview with Don...

Greg: Since it's reasonable to expect that some people who might read this may not be familiar with SIX MINUTE CENTURY, how would you describe your sound?

Don: I guess I would say, from the very beginning, we've written songs in the Progressive or Power Metal genre. But still keeping the music and lyrics to where the average listener, who may not listen to DREAM THEATER or SYMPHONY X, could just put the disc on and still enjoy it. We don't try to be so over the top with some of the music, that it would lose the average person who would just put something in.
From my interview with Don...

Greg: Since it's reasonable to expect that some people who might read this may not be familiar with SIX MINUTE CENTURY, how would you describe your sound?

Don: I guess I would say, from the very beginning, we've written songs in the Progressive or Power Metal genre. But still keeping the music and lyrics to where the average listener, who may not listen to DREAM THEATER or SYMPHONY X, could just put the disc on and still enjoy it. We don't try to be so over the top with some of the music, that it would lose the average person who would just put something in.

Maybe I should have read Don's interview first.
LOL. I think Don was just using it as a common reference point. I don't think there are many similarities between DT and SMC, beyond the fact, that in the big picture, they both play Prog Metal.

Thanks, Greg - That's kinda what I was tying to say all along. I hate these discussions get bogged down in genre discussions. SMC has their own sound and it is pretty much incomparible to anything I have ever heard. But it IS good!!!! Hope a lot of people get a chance to decide for themselves!!!

Chis :rock:
Comparing bands is always a difficult situation. When you think about's kind of like saying that George Bush is similar to Obama becuase they are both male and presidents. They were...but they are not similar at all past those points.

In truth, there are only 12 notes that we use in western music and a limited (though really freaking huge) number of possible rythmic combonations. In that vein, all musical acts are similar to one another.

Comparisons to DT are natural because, in addition to being most of our first exposures to prog, they are also the most recognized face of this genre of music. It is best, however, to find the things that make every band unique rather than focus on the elements that are carried over from one act to another and yet another. Without these common elements, it would be impossible to even attempt to define what makes up the genre.

We like prog because it sounds...well...progy. This is why "Flock Of Seagulls" is not going to headline prog power.

I am very excited about this years line up (DGM, Seventh Wonder, and Oceans of Sadness particularly) and even more excited that I get to be part of it. I'm gonna have to take out a loan just to afford all the t-shirts I'm going to have to buy...hahaha.

See you guys there,

Living in Dallas and having friends in the Houston area, I've been lucky enough to catch this talented band more than a few times. They're more than overdue for the big stage of ProgPower and should not be missed! Their guitarist, Don LaFon is also in Krucible and their singer not only has the balls to do a :notworthyTony Harnell TNT cover, but the range to not just pull it off but NAIL IT!