

Holger Danske
Oct 24, 2004
Denmark, Lyngby
hey, im a new member here, ive been a fan of AA since a long time ago... dont really remember when i started to listen them...too much beer i think :Smug:
im danish, but i lived in brazil for a long fukin time, and now im back to denmark!! :headbang: drinkin a lot of Jule Bryg (christamss beer).
why hello! im sure a great way to get to know the rest of the members would be to send them some of that fine beer you have :D
Julebryg, don't bring back memories from last weekend in Lyngby...christ, hands are still shaking. Anyway nice to hear you're back in DK, or maybe it's bad timing because I'm in the process of moving out heh.
Patric said:
Julebryg, don't bring back memories from last weekend in Lyngby...christ, hands are still shaking. Anyway nice to hear you're back in DK, or maybe it's bad timing because I'm in the process of moving out heh.
i live in fuckin lyngby man!! i just wasnt in lyngby this last weekend... fuck, which bar did you go to?
Mjøllnir said:
i live in fuckin lyngby man!! i just wasnt in lyngby this last weekend... fuck, which bar did you go to?
Hah! Are you serious?? I've been drinking in Lyngby the last 6 weekends! I might go up there again in three weeks, just to drink as usual. Last time was great, we started 2 a clock daytime with Bjørnebryg. Anyway we might meet there :headbang:
Patric said:
Hah! Are you serious?? I've been drinking in Lyngby the last 6 weekends! I might go up there again in three weeks, just to drink as usual. Last time was great, we started 2 a clock daytime with Bjørnebryg. Anyway we might meet there :headbang:
hahaha, yeah! i live in a collegium, called Trongårds Kollegiet, we have an Kæller bar called Kotlers... 10 kr. a beer, opened thursday and friday... now im takin a nap, cause yesterday i was drinkin till 5 o clok, and i did go to fukin class, now im takin a nap, cause there are 4 cases of beer waitin for me at 9 o clock...hehehe :hotjump:
lets see if we could meet here this weekend.
10 kroner is an EXCEPTIONAL fucking price and I would love to drink my brain asunder!!! Hell yeah...I'm only 20 minutes away from Lyngby anyway so i'ts cool :)
I'll check my schedule and let you know, cheers brotha
great man! just tell me when you can, ill be here, hehehe!
just bought the new cd from exmortem, really good!!!
and yeah, 10 kr. is a real exceptional price!!! i have a fukin boot for my beers..hahaha, this bar is my second home!!!
Exmoooortem, those are great-eventhough they're from Jutland muahaha....

Hey man, I'd like to come this weekend..are these drunkened misadventures an every weekend thing? cause I am ready for self destruction every friday/saturday. we could meet some hours before drinking piss Netto beer to get in the mood heh
heheh, i like exmortem, but, jutland, well... lets forget about his...heheh, exmortem is fuckin good, and man, today, i bought 4 cases of beer and a bottle of vodka and 2 leverrpostej for 350 kr. in fakta, 1 beer in fakta here is 1.75 or some shit like that, we buy 1 case for each´and we fell up our stomachs, hey, i give you my fukin cell fone f i ever find it again, i just lost it, yestarfty and asked for a friend of mine to call it, it was where i leave the fukin shampoo on the showe .... but i think i got it know.. but here my cel number, 9112 8929 .... my name is daniel... and lets drink some fakta or netto beer!! then we go to the fukin bar!!! but trust me, u need a break on the music, you need to listen to real music at least on every 30 minutes on the bar.... at least i need it. i spupose u need ut too..
ah... forgot to tell ya, you have to listen to sme brasilin shit i have here.
fuck, i fnk i was a bit too drunk, im still drunkm but my cell fone isnt that one, i dont know how and why i came with that number, but my cel fone, and my only fone number is 29918408
the other number doesnt remind me of noithing... shit. my liber is gettin defectet?
Haha see, how us Danes are all the same? This is real promising, I might have found someone who is just as alchoholic as I am! Hey man I'll bring some Saint Vitus mini-bottles, or some Estonian booze. YES we buy a case of...Bjørnebryg, Star Pilsner, Harboe or some shit like that-stodder-stil. I've got your number right here. Yeah bring your Brazilian stuff, I'll bring the almighty SUPERJOINT RITUAL. A friend of mine got laid at your student parties many times so I'll bring a Hawaii shirt as well.
hehehe, one more alcoholic!! hahaha, in this collegium there are about 5 alcoholics, but only me and annother guy are the real alcoholics, drinkin almost every second day...hehehe :headbang: but im the only ho listen to real music here. and on friday there is going to be a promising party here, my cousins are coming from ringsted to this fukin party.... its abirthday party, but u dont need to know who the guy is..... bring youre hawain shirt, i allways use my krisiun shirt under the hawain shirt on those partyes, hahaha.

ah, and superjoin ritual is fuckin great!!
YOU LIKE SUPERJOINT!!! I thought I was the only one on this forum. And haha I usually have a Psycroptic or Cannibal Corpse shirt under my hawaii as well, now that's fucking great.

Right, I'll check if I can make it to the party this weekend, if I can get the last night train etc. I'll mail you, big brother.