Skinlab: Bad Derivative Machine Head, or Excellent Modern Thrash?


Nov 19, 2001
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Just wondering anyones opinions on this band? A band I have a hard time deciding on whether they are merely machine head lite, or somehow an innovative 90s thrash band, that expanded upon the Machine Head influence.
I've got Disembody The New Flesh and i've heard The ReVolting Room.....and i'd definately say they suck.

Pissing Razors are by far my favourite modern metal/post thrash/pantera/whatever type band.
Well I am impressed by the production on their albums, however I do think they are crap, but at least listenable crap.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Wait a second. St. Anger was pretty bad. What are you trying to say?
St. Anger was awful.

Skinlab's first record was actually pretty solid. Sure they're heavily Machine Head influenced, but at least on the first record they lacked MH's minor hiphop/hardcorish influence - it was pretty straight ahead metal.

Disembody is actually pretty good and very listenable, but they started to really abuse drop-d nu-metalish grooves, however they were always heavier than anything in nu-metal.

The ReVolting Room was pure and utter garbage. It was a watered down boring ass obvious attempt at more mainstream success. Dumb downed songs, big singing just really fucking sucked.

They are done as a band as far as I'm concerned but I don't consider them a total failure.
Anything that is influenced by Machine Head should be trashed. They are overrated, and Robb Flynn is stupid for quitting Vio-lence and forming MH, they certainly cannot be passed off as thrash and never have been.

Vio-lence had a future until Phil Demmel left.... :err:
Haha. Seems like I'm the only one here that likes some of their work. I wont call them thrash they were modern metal. Their early work is pretty good but then they started ripping off Korn on Revolting Room which was just bad. I feel the same way about Machine Head, their early work was good but then they went to shit.