Skyfire on the road!!


Skyfire wants you!
Nov 27, 2001
Lund, Sweden
Ok, since Hammerheart has gone public with the news I guess it is time to tell you guys!

Skyfire will take part in Hammerheart's Generation Armageddon Festivals during two weeks of May. It will take place at the following places together with the following bands:

Generation Armegeddon Festivals 2003
Ancient Rites
Septic Flesh

30.04.03 UK-London, The Underworld
01.05.03 NL-Leeuwarden, Podium
02.05.03 F-Lyon, C.C.O. Villeurbanne
03.05.03 D-Glauchau, Alte Spinnerei
04.05.03 D-Saarbrücken, Garage
05.05.03 CH-Pratteln, Konzertfabrik Z7
06.05.03 F-Paris, La Locomotive
07.05.03 D-Ludwigsburg, Rockfabrik
08.05.03 D-Essen, Zeche Carl
09.05.03 D-Berlin, K17
10.05.03 D-München, Backstage
11.05.03 B-Vosselaar, Biebob

I expect to meet all of you guys on the road, expecially you from the U.S. ;)
A super sleuth you are SD....:p

At any rate, I think we should all kill Shmeir, just for the fact that none of us will get to see Skyfire before any of the others

Its gonna be suckage listening to shmeir go on and on about the gig and laugh and mock how none of us got to see them live :cry:
as I said in Thyrfing-forum: why not heading to salzburg from Munich ;) and: I'd be prepared to drive those lousy 300 km from here to salzburg :D

have fun on this tour! :headbang:
Arrrgh. Ditto...I hope you guys show them who is boss! :D

Hrrrm..only $750 for a round trip to Berlin? I'm there! :lol:
yep. and with so many 'bigger names' from the same area releasing shit, hopefully they can all gang up and come over a few times. im sure arch enemy will get a headlining US tour for their new album. i wouldnt mind seeing skyfire on that bill heh.
Originally posted by stargazer
I think I'm gonna invite Shmeir backstage and give him free beer ;)

alas, i understand my meaning in life....... I am to go to london and witness this performance.......

but i promise not to be too big headed about it, so dont hate me guys!! it is fate and none can change its course :D

and yeah, it was kinda suspicious when u asked how far away from London i was :p .

:headbang: this is gonna kick so much ass!!! :headbang:
Only if you bring tons of groupies :D

Nah.. of course we could arrange that! But you realize that this is our first "serious" gig ever so our nerves are going to be all over the place ;) You might wanna bring some valium or some tranquillizer to bring us down to earth again :lol: