Skyfire on the road!!

Tell Martin he owes me a beer and tell Jonas that secret documents regarding his spy mission are under the car seat....

and please kill yourself after delivering this message :D

It's AWESOME that you're touring in Europe. I wish the best of you on the tour! Maybe next year you can come to the US! (if we're not at war that is, they're probably going to think you're terrorists or something ;) )
Oh no it's Adam from England you know the one who types run-on sentences and then occassionally takes a breather but not when listening to Skyfire while stroking his tent which may or may not be the same tent that Shmeir is stroking but alas it is Adam from England and to him we must bid a warm and wet welcome.

and I say as I said on Thyrfing board also... too bad no swedish gigs on this tour! :cry: :p Aber... good luck and have nice time! :)