SKYLARK - The Storm And The Horizon

The final line from the video just cracked me up....

"Skylark is here for you, and will never let you down...."

Sorry, you already did.... Several albums ago.

I liked Skylark back in the day, but they have been on a pretty steep downward slope for the last few discs, and there was almost nothing in this clip to make me feel otherwise..... I don't want to be harsh, but Skylark and Virgin Steele are both bands that I thought had a lot of raw potential early on, and just kept waiting for them to evolve their sound a little bit to sound more professional, and it just never happens. It's rare for a new band to come out that doesn't sound 100x better than these guys....
This is definitely a dead horse that has been beat to glue. That was some of the worst-produced vocals ever. Seriously, this band has devolved since the late 90s, not evolved.
That was some of the worst-produced vocals ever.

Here are some of the worst-produced vocals ever IMO. I hear distortion in Dio's voice... What a waste of one of the last recordings of the great Ronnie.... And too bad about the bad vocal production because I think it's a good traditional metal song.

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Skylark is one of those bands that you hope will get better but never really does. Shame because the talent is there. I'm not even sure it's the songs, I think it's the production. Would it kill them to shell out for Sasha Paeth?
I can't say I ever thought Skylark was one of the top Italian power metal bands (nothing I've ever heard from them even comes close to Labyrinth's Return To Heaven Denied, the gold standard of the genre in my book). However, I heard Gate Of Hell and Gate Of Heaven back in the day and remember thinking they were solid. But this new material is just embarrassingly bad. To the point where I had to seriously wonder what they were thinking. And I actually came up with a theory about what they might be thinking. It seems like for the last several years, their success has been primarily in Japan. Perhaps they're tailoring their music to appeal more to the Japanese rock / pop market? Anyway, that's just a guess. Whatever the situation is, I sure as hell won't be listening to this album.