Skyliner - The Alchemist (new EP, Florida power metal)

Orion Crystal Ice

Rider of the Astral Fire
Aug 22, 2002
The Road to Purity

So I'm no good at BSing a press release with all the right catch words to make you feel like you're in a better place than the guy next to you for knowing about my band. Let me keep it simple. We are Skyliner from here in North Florida, some have said we have elements of Falconer, Grave Digger, Gamma Ray, even some prog here and there (some reviews for our 2009 demo: ). We're putting out a two-song promo in the next week or so, here's the art above, here's a song from it below. Really hope you guys enjoy it, if you do and feel the need to support or you would like to purchase the music, I've got something going on right now where you can get:

- The physical promo plus digital files for $3
- The above PLUS that of our 2009 demo for $6
- Free shipping for the physical stuff

The PayPal is - if you are so inclined. Thank you for checking this out, and no this isn't spam, I've been on UM forever and bought two tickets to PP this year, plus the art is courtesy of Claus. :hotjump:

Listen here, and please do hit us up on Facebook!
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