SL-X Clip


Mar 9, 2009
I've been working on a song idea (no cymbals btw, I can't be assed programming them in!) And tonight I thought I'd try micing up the amp with a couple of mics. Never tried a Sennheiser MD421 on a cab before, so today was the day. I really liked it, much more so than the 57. However, blended I liked it.

I've just done a high/low roll off on the entire track. The drums are just there for ideas for the other guys in the band. But anyway, linkage..

it's MD421 and off centre SM57 on the left and MD421/SM57's on centre and off centre on the right

And the settings are..

Presence: 4
Bass: 7
Mids: 7
Treble: 6

Volume was only at 2 and a bit

Gain was 14 (basically 4)
Preamp was 6

Boosted with a Maxon OD808
I would try to bring the presence up a little more to make the guitars seem a little closer and alive. Maybe try a little more gain? I like the bass tone. It kind of has an Iron Maiden sound to it. I will have to try MD421 on the guitars now!
Yeah man, I think with the volume up more, it'd sing. A bit less bottom and a bit more presence. :)
Definitely has potential.
Needs some more "air" to the tone, but apart from that the general tonality is fairly good
Once I get my re-amp box, next week hopefully, I'll crank it up and hit record. I'm a bit scared of being in the same room as this thing when it's loud! :D

Thanks for taking a listen