slant or straight cab


Aug 22, 2010
bc canada
im gonna buy my first 4x12 cab, a mesa recto and i dont know the difference between the slant and straight cabs soundwise. ive never played thru a 4x12 so if u guys can educate me here. thanks!
There are so many threads on that subject if you google slant vs straight cab.
There seems to be contradicting opinions and in the end it goes back to what sounds best to you.
The biggest difference is more about sound projection than tone itself.
Stage situation miked or not vs rehearsal or bed room.
Cab inner construction (rear loaded vs front loaded) and speakers used will have more effect on tone than being simply straight or slant.
My opinion on that is I prefer straight cab because:

Bass appears to me more present (because highs and mids are not targetting your face) I use a VHT Deliverance 4x12 that already spread well enough despite being straight. Its front loaded and disperse quite good.

I prefer to have 1 single straight baffle focussing all the 4 speakers than a two sections angled baffle.
Yes a straight cab do look better but that should not be a factor...

If really slanted were necessary most 2x12 or combo amps would also be slanted when they are not; but some people do slant their combo on stage.

Another funny thing is that many tone purist (on forums) seems to favor the straight cab and use them but you will find 10 slant cabs for sale vs 1 straight in used gear sections. Is it reflecting really the sales? go figure...
I say Slant, especially for the Mesa recto 4x12, for 3 reasons:

1. The main reason some people say they prefer straight cabs is because they seem to have slightly more bass response, but the Rectifier cab is an oversized cab and has plenty of bass already. So, the slant cab kind of helps balance out the bassyness of the oversized cab, resulting in a very slightly tighter/clearer/brighter tone, in my opinion.

2. The slant cab will help you be able to hear yourself better in a live situation where monitoring might not be the best.

3. Not that it really means anything, but the rectifier cab Andy has used on many albums is a slant cab. :p
I have owned both Straight and Slant OS Cabs and I would go Straight over Slant without any second thought.....................for recording purposes.

Much more uniform sound between all 4 speakers. The Top 2 in a Slant sound thinner/weaker, IMO, which may not mean shit though. :D

....................I prefer to have 1 single straight baffle focussing all the 4 speakers than a two sections angled baffle.