Slate Blackbird Samples

If only I wasn't petrified of a drummer whacking one of our u67's, I'd use those on toms all the time!

Not sure how useful these would be in a metal context but they seem great for softer styles.
Checked this out when Slate first posted about them, can't say I was very impressed to be honest despite being excited about the idea of having blackbird samples. Might be cool for the room mic's I guess.
i'll probably get SSD5 and setup a Roland midi kit in a near future, so I'll be following this. I'm less and less stoked about his new samples because his original samples already have the "SSD" footprint on them. There is so many things available today it's insane !
awesome option to have - incredible studio that very few people will get the chance to use or experience. Probably not recorded with metal in mind although I'm sure they'd be some crossover. The room mic/chamber options look nice too. That said, I still feel slate's sampler sounds more fake than superior drummer which often puts me off building drum tracks off SSD.
9 layers per snare hit ? That's crazy ! But to be fair, I quite liked the options he gives.

Does anyone know if this sample pack will be available with SSD5 whenever he releases it ?
I think I'll be purchasing this at some point. Once VCC comes out (the current Beta is likely the release candidate so we could see that in the next fortnight), I'll likely upgrade my Waves plug ins and get these so I can finally use PT11.

Developer post on FB group:

Alex Semichev: Sampler will be free. You can use new Sampler with old libraries. SSD5 (Sampler+library) upgrade from SSD4 will be paid. Don't know price, but it's not much. Release date - no ETA.
February 2 at 2:15pm · Like

We'll see, not holding my breath...
So basically libraries are not tied to a version then, in which case I might actually get on with SSD4 in the next months as I am gonna buy some Roland kit and that would make more sense by then.
Some cool rock demos with Blackbird kits:

Some amazing stuff that Jon Symons did with Blackbird on some rock stuff.

Full Mix:

Drums Only:

Demo with Just Drums:


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