Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

We're shooting ourselves in the foot by not allowing forum members who registered before August of 2010 join in on the festivities, regardless of how early we closed the list. The more people we get, the cheaper it is, period - why would we want to sell ourselves short when we could potentially save another $30 (20%)?
I just picked up an ilok (only $50 too, and in a store that's normally overpriced).

We're shooting ourselves in the foot by not allowing forum members who registered before August of 2010 join in on the festivities, regardless of how early we closed the list. The more people we get, the cheaper it is, period - why would we want to sell ourselves short when we could potentially save another $30 (20%)?

We're at the max discount?
I think it was Slate's call, not anyone in particular on the forums. I don't think anyone here would want to give fellow forum members the shaft.
Well if im not allowed into this one i cant really afford it at the normal price so wont be buying it otherwise.
I better not miss out if the Virtual Console Collection is offered to forum members cheap or i will be pissed !
(Hows that for customer loyalty Slate - im sure amongst many other Sneap forum members I am intending on buying that one too). :)
I would get in on it, have an ilok + plat ssd and showed interest on the first thread, but no biggy as I am waiting for the virtual console (which is a must buy after listening to the demos).
Hey dudes, I'm setting up the form. Remember, your card or paypal will be captured first at the full $249.. it will place the charge on HOLD and not "capture it".. as soon as the whole list of 60+ is authorized, the final price will be captured at (what I hope) will be $149

I really want to try to please everyone, but as you can see by this current situation, its hard to do so! I value everyone here who has supported my endeveaurs over the years and promise to be loyal to you all, even if you did miss this deal.
totally understand (I read the crap over at GS), anyway will everyone be notified about the virtual console when it is released, so wanting this!!!!

Hey dudes, I'm setting up the form. Remember, your card or paypal will be captured first at the full $249.. it will place the charge on HOLD and not "capture it".. as soon as the whole list of 60+ is authorized, the final price will be captured at (what I hope) will be $149

ohhhhhh right, im guna have to go to the bank again, tomorow, i dont have the full 249 in there right now, also i havent paypal'ed anything in a long time, is there any extra fee i need to account for?

any ilok news Slate? just so i can buy one ASAP if there isnt enough people to swing a deal, there is 12 i believe in need of one,

thanks, the deal is much appreciated :D