Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

Hey dudes, I'm setting up the form. Remember, your card or paypal will be captured first at the full $249.. it will place the charge on HOLD and not "capture it".. as soon as the whole list of 60+ is authorized, the final price will be captured at (what I hope) will be $149

so what happens if for some reason the 60+ can not be confirmed!?
do we all have to pay full price then!?

so what happens if for some reason the 60+ can not be confirmed!?
do we all have to pay full price then!?

These are the prices we pay:
Price starts at $249
20 people: $229
30 people: $199
45 people: $169
60 people: $149

So as long as people stay true to their word and follow through, we will pay $149. If we have abunch of liars among us and only 30 people pay for the thing in the end, we'll all have to pay $199 each. Personally, I don't think we'll have any problems. Although I think it's worrying to see people start backing out now.
Hey dudes, I'm setting up the form. Remember, your card or paypal will be captured first at the full $249.. it will place the charge on HOLD and not "capture it".. as soon as the whole list of 60+ is authorized, the final price will be captured at (what I hope) will be $149

I really want to try to please everyone, but as you can see by this current situation, its hard to do so! I value everyone here who has supported my endeveaurs over the years and promise to be loyal to you all, even if you did miss this deal.

Hey, I just moved to the states and I have this tiny problem that there is no internet access at the dorm yet, but they are getting it on Friday, but send me all the instructions to atenhunen at kolumbus dot fi and I'll deal with the payment asap when I get internet access.
We'll have the group buy cart set up by tomorrow.. was hoping to have it by today but its a bit more complicated than we thought due to the authorize/capture procedure.

Again, the initial hold will be for $249. Assuming no one wimps out, the card will be charged the final price, which is $149 if at least 60 people are in.

I can't do anything on the ilok.

If you are a member of this forum since at least January, email the list dictator and get yourself added ;)

Lets do this quick before I get assasinated.
[UEAK]Clowd;9338883 said:
can you clarify how the hold process works?

It's already been discussed, and not any different than any other hold put on a card when you buy certain things. When you go to a gas station, they capture a certain amount of your card, but only charge you for what you buy...Same as a bar, and a variety of other places. It's a measure done to verify the funds are available from the bank, and from any person you buy from, it makes perfect sense.

Assuming you have the room on your card (and/or overdraft protection on your bank account or card), this is a non issue as you will only be charged the price based on the number of buyers. This happens in some measures with a good percentage of transactions using credit or debit cards. Gas, hotels, bars, etc. The only difference in this scenarios is Slate is informing you ahead of time...Most places don't.
Here's the list updated:

1. Brett - K A L I S I A
2. TomCase
3. JoshuaLogan
4. ParsonsMatt
5. ahjteam
6. Wisheraser
7. chree
8. Emdprodukt
9. Matt-Steele
10. jamvanman
11. Morgan C
12. Ashgarth
13. enditol
14. Agonal
15. SentencedToBurn i
16. MicSlut666
17. AMaziad
18. Rob Logic
19. Coerti0n
20. shine
21. abt
22. Mikko Vainiala
23. Sinister Mephisto
24. Ohmission
25. Seth Munson
26. Kazrog
27. Cognition
28. Kev
29. jipchen
30. nuclearass
31. AboutBlank
32. AHChris
33. Lasse Lammert
34. Sickan
35. Eduardo Apolonia
36. Soultrash
37. Teddyboy
38. aortizjr
39. nwright
40. xFkx
41. jangoux
42. Erkan
43. guitarguru777
44. hct
45. Norsyna
46. MisterDMZ
47. Saculus
48. nialldoran
49. mr.L.
50. theblackmoon
51. Gregson
52. Straight Shooter
53. Straight Shooter
54. BLUElightCory
55. The_Shred
56. avrinder
57. paladin shredder
58. TheIllusionist
59. Stillborn
60. cyril_v
61. Zombietakeover
62. exoslime
63. Perishh
64. horndog
65. samih
66. nickkbh
67. dcdanman
68. Supra1
69. lolzgreg
70. Melodeath
71. supahd
72. Trevoire520