Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

Seriously guys, if $249 is a stretch you should be saving that money for food or rent! Since I couldn't make the group buy I'll just wait until the next paid mixing/mastering gig to pick up FG-X.
cant wait for the link and i´m more than ready to purchase

steven, your awesome!!! thanks for making that possible
I'm confirming too!

BTW I'll be on a boat in the middle of nowhere over the holiday weekend without much net access...How long do we have to pay? I can pay Monday night no problem.

If I have to, I should be able to pay before that, but won't be able to DL the plug.
I'd be very interested to hear GClip, or any clipping procedure outperform the FG-X especially on metal (the straight clipping just obliterates the kick once you try to get some decent gain) but anyway...

The form is almost done.. Who is the current group buy master? We need to figure a way to get all group buy members the form link, discretely.

Even though I am not purchasing, I think precautions need to be put in place.

There is an option to send everyone an Email (not a PM) on their profile pages. If I were you I would also get a list of Email Addresses / Current Slate Digital accounts so that you know who's purchasing it.

Something tells me at $150 there will be links sent to people who are NOT from this forum. Having Emaill addresses / Slate Digital account names will keep the list to who you specified was part of the group buy.

Another option is Lasse sets up a private forum that only the members he specifies has access to.
this should be the final list:


Price starts at $249
20 people: $229
30 people: $199
45 people: $169
60 people: $149

the initial hold will be for $249. Assuming no one wimps out, the card will be charged the final price, which is $149 if at least 60 people are in.

I can't do anything on the ilok.

And a reminder how group buy works:

Have you guys never done a group buy before? Any time anyone participates in a group buy you have to be willing to pay the highest price, because theoretically every single person could drop out except you, that's how group buys work, that's the chance you take.

1. Brett - K A L I S I A
2. TomCase
3. JoshuaLogan
4. ParsonsMatt
5. ahjteam
6. Wisheraser
7. chree
8. Emdprodukt
9. Matt-Steele
10. jamvanman
11. Morgan C DROPPED OUT
12. Ashgarth
13. enditol
14. Agonal
15. SentencedToBurn
16. MicSlut666
17. AMaziad
18. Rob Logic
19. Coerti0n
20. shine
21. abt
22. Mikko Vainiala
23. Sinister Mephisto
24. Ohmission
25. Seth Munson
26. Kazrog
27. Cognition
28. Kev
29. jipchen
30. nuclearass
31. AboutBlank
32. AHChris
33. Lasse Lammert
34. Sickan
35. Eduardo Apolonia
36. Soultrash
37. Teddyboy
38. aortizjr
39. nwright
40. xFkx
41. jangoux
42. Erkan
44. guitarguru777 DROPPED OUT
45. hct
46. ttrentt DROPPED OUT
47. Norsyna
48. MisterDMZ
49. Saculus
50. nialldoran
51. mr.L.
52. theblackmoon
53. Gregson
54. Straight Shooter
55. JasonAaronAdams
56. BLUElightCory
57. The_Shred
58. avrinder
59. paladin shredder
60. TheIllusionist
61. Stillborn
62. cyril_v
64. Zombietakeover
65. exoslime
66. Perishh
67. horndog
68. Antithesist
69. nickkbh
70. dcdanman
71. Supra1
72. lolzgreg
73. Melodeath
74. Trevoire520
75. samih
76. J-Mac
77. DigitalMetal
78. supahd
79. blackcom

People listed under here showed interest, please confirm you are in:

Aaron Smith
Dalinkwent48 @

Also I'll give the listmaster title to Ashgarth, so if someone is out but still in the list, please send him a pm.