Slate Digital FG-X - Group Buy

Basically, this is what I think happened...

All of us who payed with Paypal DID have an ilok code ready for us. The original Insane Deals (or whatever) email did not show the passcode (to sign in get to the download links & simultaneously get an ilok redeem code emailed to us) in the email itself, but if you clicked the View Online link at the top, it took you to a copy of your invoice on a web page. That invoice DID show a passcode, and if you sign in at the link with that passcode, you get an automatic email with an ilok code. I think all of us just overlooked this before because we didn't see it in the email and didn't know where to look.

The new email they sent today has a different passcode, and you guessed it... a different ilok redeem code along with it. SO, I think they voided the original iLok codes to keep people from having an extra code (which could be sold). This also means that anyone who noticed this earlier and redeemed that original code before it was voided could possibly have two working iLok redeem codes right now.

not for me. i bought it today with credit card got the code almost immediately and still got the error.
I think I know what happened.. Our cart system might have sent the same passcode to multiple people.. let me check in to this immediately.

Question: If you purchased with a credit card, you would have already gotten a passcode instantly after purchase. BUT, did you get a second passcode today?? (only credit card people).

If you got TWO passcodes, please send the second one to Thanks. Sorry for this slight mess.
Ok, I see whats going on. If you used a Credit Card to purchase, you may have got sent a SECOND passcode which gets you another ilok redeem. Do not use the second redeem or else you're ilok can get all f&cked up when you try to register it.

Instead, and this is very important, send your 2nd ilok redeem to:

Your initial passcode/ilok redeem should work fine

I think I know what happened.. Our cart system might have sent the same passcode to multiple people.. let me check in to this immediately.

thanks very much man, I'm dying to be able to save haha. Love the plug. I've been an AVID MD3 supporter ever since i shelled out $1500 for it but i think for some projects this will now take the cake easily. I just did a comparison track that's very eye opening i can see if i could get the band to let me use it for a comparison. i can at the least post some clips here. I was very happy with the master i had on it with MD3 so when i managed to make it much better after a bunch of tweaking on FG-X I was pretty amazed and pressed the purchase button haha.

My only issue with the plug is the distortion can be difficult to deal with, similar to ozone but this thing is much better than ozone in all ways. Hopefully any future updates will focus on helping keep it under control a bit more easily.
Ok, I see whats going on. If you used a Credit Card to purchase, you may have got sent a SECOND passcode which gets you another ilok redeem. Do not use the second redeem or else you're ilok can get all f&cked up when you try to register it.

Instead, and this is very important, send your 2nd ilok redeem to:

Your initial passcode/ilok redeem should work fine


I purchased with credit card today, got sent one redeem code and got the error...what should i do?
Ok, I see whats going on. If you used a Credit Card to purchase, you may have got sent a SECOND passcode which gets you another ilok redeem. Do not use the second redeem or else you're ilok can get all f&cked up when you try to register it.

Instead, and this is very important, send your 2nd ilok redeem to:

Your initial passcode/ilok redeem should work fine


could it be that some people got two codes and some people no code!?
if so could you send me the code "manually" !?
Question: If you purchased with a credit card, you would have already gotten a passcode instantly after purchase. BUT, did you get a second passcode today?? (only credit card people).

If you got TWO passcodes, please send the second one to Thanks. Sorry for this slight mess.

I paid with a credit card and only received one code/email.
Paypal here, I got two codes... the first didn't work, that was from my original receipt link. The second one was in second email receipt that was sent tonight, that one worked right away. I have it downloaded and installed now.

Now, all would be right in the world, except now my ilok isn't functioning properly. Well, not so much the ilok, but the actual software Pace Ilok software keeps crashing whenever I try to log into their site and download it to the dongle. FUUUUCK.!
Paypal here, I got two codes... the first didn't work, that was from my original receipt link. The second one was in actual mail sent tonight, that one worked right away. I have it downloaded and installed now.

Now, all would be right in the except now my ilok isn't functioning properly. Well, not so much the ilok, but the actual software Pace Ilok software keeps crashing whenever I try to log into their site and download it to the dongle. FUUUUCK.!

use internet explorer.

I cant connect my ilok to any other browser. chrome firefox safari all dont work with my ilok. only IE
I hadn't logged in in a couple days and was ready to buy. I can pay credit card or paypal, are either working properly? Anybody up and running with it yet? On a side note I have been really liking trigger.
Ok, if you received TWO codes, and one worked, please send the OTHER code to

If you never received ANY codes, please email

If you received a code and it says Already Redeemed, please send the passcode and the ilok redeem to

ATTENTION: Unless you are in one of the three categories, DO NOT SEND ANYTHING TO JESSE@STEVENSLATE.COM
He is not tech support, he can't help you if you are having ilok issues, no those go to

But if you have a transaction or register issue with THIS group buy, email him all the info so we can figure out what the hell is happening and why.
It looks like only about 9 people should have been in the problem area, everyone else should be cool now
It looks like only about 9 people should have been in the problem area, everyone else should be cool now

leave it to my luck to be in the "problem area". thanks for your promptness with all this.
We'll have everything sorted out by tomorrow since the office is gone (excpet me!). Sorry guys. The good news is, that the cart actually had a bug in it, so that means I programmed the thing correctly. Ok well, thats not good news if you don't have FG-X tonight, but at least it proves I'm not an idiot!