Slate Drums Platinum Bday Special for $249

Thanks for posting this! Never felt the need of having it but for this price.....
These are a lot of GBs and my connection is round about 70kb/s. This will take days. At least I have three days to download it. :)
Man this Native Instrument activation thing sucks biiig time!!! :puke:

After some time i managed to get to this page where i am supposed to receive the activation file:
"On this page you can download your personal Activation Return File. This file contains necessary Information for the activation of your products.
Subsequently, you must also import the Activation Return File to the computer you have Native Instruments Service Center installed on.

The following information is a step by step procedural guide regarding the receipt of your Activation Return Files."

But below this there is only a submit button that i press and nothing happens!!!

Anyone know how i can get over this?
Happy birthday Steven - hope you got a nice gift and had a great day with friends and family.
Got it! Firefox problems... I already had to make the purchase on steve's site on internet explorer... But Native Instruments doesnt accept IE 6.0 only 7 and above so i installed the safari browser and everything worked...
thanks for the bday wishes. And thanks andy sneap for making such a kick ass metal forum with so many talented dudes... I'm going through the mp3 forum and its just damn impressive.

btw I have been working on metal deluxe and I think its gonna be a hit with you guys.
Got it all downloaded, playing around with it now. Worth the money.

How is the metal deluxe package going to work out? An add on or whole new package?
Hey Steven!

Is it possible to hold those files there for couple of more days, because my internet connection is kinda slow at the moment? I'd appreciate that.

2 days of downloading and still not ready. Now I can´t even login anymore. THIS SUCKS!
I´m totally pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!
2 days of downloading and still not ready. Now I can´t even login anymore. THIS SUCKS!
I´m totally pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!

You will have to email them - Slate mentioned that the links would only be up for three days.