Slate Trigger WTF


Processed Chicken
Apr 6, 2009
Clearwater, fl
Just got trigger last week and I knew there would be some set up involved but F me! Between all the variables like settings in the program, volume, mic setup. My question is... will it ever really work or are there always going to be notes that don't trigger and some that trigger too much? From the lack of Instructional videos out there I'm thinking it doesn't work without a lot of editing and dicking with. Even Slate himself has promised to put out Instructional videos and has not. Have any of you got it to work like it should? or am I asking too much? I love all my Slate products, tech support has always been great, but i'm just feeling defeated with trigger. I know there is the one video for bleed suppression, but really that's it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Ummm..... I've never had it NOT work. Not sure what you're asking? Just put it on the track, adjust it. I've only ever needed to automate the detail knob a little to get it to trigger. It may help you to print the samples (if you know they're the ones you'll stick with) and adjust settings/ punch in as needed? I tend to print them.
I've never replaced toms, only kick and snare. You have to experiment with Retrigger speed and sensitivity after setting input volume. I often have to use automation for the Sensitivity control and some bleed suppression, but I deal with a lot of poorly recorded tracks with tons of bleed. Usually no automation required if I did the tracking.
I've never recorded drums or used triggers so its all new to me. You guys are saying it works so it sounds like I just need to work with it more and figure out what I'm doing. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting my time.
I've never replaced toms, only kick and snare. You have to experiment with Retrigger speed and sensitivity after setting input volume. I often have to use automation for the Sensitivity control and some bleed suppression, but I deal with a lot of poorly recorded tracks with tons of bleed. Usually no automation required if I did the tracking.

Yeah my drums sound like crap to begin with.
If the toms aren't recorded really well and hit really hard, then the waveform can tend to just be big useless blobs, especially on fast rolls. Is that the problem you're having? And what DAW do you use?
If the toms aren't recorded really well and hit really hard, then the waveform can tend to just be big useless blobs, especially on fast rolls. Is that the problem you're having? And what DAW do you use?

Yes! I'm using cubase5. I've tried to reduce the rumble inside of trigger with the roll off and by using moongel to dampen the drum it self. I have been at this all day today and getting a lot better results, almost perfect, but still would appreciate tips.

It triggers great off my drum practice pad(you should of seen my wife's face when I was playing snare samples off a miced drum pad), thinking of making a drum set of practice pads or dampen the crap out of my drums so all I get is a bunch of clicks.
Well there's your problem. It's not trigger's fault really. It can only do so much with no clear transient man. There's a few different approaches you can take though.

First, start with the drummer. Make sure you (or whoever is playing) is hitting sufficiently hard. If you're hitting the toms like a vagina, then they'll suck. Consistent hard hitting will yield sharp nice transient. Toms have plenty of resonance and a slow decay, so their waveforms will always be a bit more of a pain, but if it's well played I usually have very little issues getting trigger to work.

2 - Automation of triggers parameters based on how a particular roll is played (detail knob, retrigger time, etc.)

3 - Edit the tom tracks. I've done this a few times when needed. Basically just cut off the waveform slightly after the transient, and totally get rid of what's causing the problem. You don't need the original audio, or can duplicate it, so it can just go. Then trigger won't see all the extra sustain and will trigger at the right place. You have to make sure you edit right though. Here's a quick example out of a session I'm working on atm. Looks kinda weird, but all trigger needs is that initial bit.



4 - Conversion plugins. I use Pro Tools, and a plugin called Massey DRT (not in VST form) to convert hits into either MIDI or audio clicks. Many times I'll use that to convert (which I did in these screenshots. You can see the kick and snare trigger tracks under the originals. These are tracks of converted clicks, with Trigger on them.) The converted Midi or audio clicks give trigger a super clear and separate transient to look at.

So anywho you can def make trigger work just how you want to man. Those couple tricks should help.
^^^ adjusting the volume would be post plug-in in Pro tools, that's why I just edit them. Or you could mute the region. Cubase has a region gain type thing though doesn't it? So you can turn down a regions volume in a different way than the track post-plugin/ fader volume?

Hipass filters in trigger may help too. I don't use them much, but its the lower end resonance that's part of your issue. Try that as well!

So after all these suggestions, you should be able to get it to work right.
There isn't really any good fix for a poorly played floor tom. I recently had the fun tast of having to deal with a floor tom that was hit WEAKER than the snare bleed.

It sucks. The best way IMO is to cut the bleed and trigger from that.

Ultimately it's infinitely easier if the drummer doesn't play like a little bitch. :lol:

But the other thing with toms is messing with the eq setting in trigger, can make it a little easier to trigger the toms, but not a guarantee.
^^^ adjusting the volume would be post plug-in in Pro tools, that's why I just edit them. Or you could mute the region. Cubase has a region gain type thing though doesn't it? So you can turn down a regions volume in a different way than the track post-plugin/ fader volume?

Hipass filters in trigger may help too. I don't use them much, but its the lower end resonance that's part of your issue. Try that as well!

So after all these suggestions, you should be able to get it to work right.

I got it working pretty good, Thanks for everyone's help! I was trying to get way with not having to edit the tracks just to get them to work and by messing around with the settings all day Sunday, I've got it to work about 98% without any editing. I can deal with that!
Unless you're triggering through midi :D

MIDI i/o working flawlessly for me from day 1 (basically when it came out)... *shrug* I've never had any of the issues I've seen some guys post about the MIDI being randomly off, etc., guess I am lucky :D