Slate VCC, convince a stubborn mule


Aug 2, 2009
Alright, I've done the research, I've listened to the clips. They're not metal stuff though and I rarely get anymore non heavy work. I also like my pocket instead of someone elses. So should I spring for VCC or just keep mixing the old way? I used the Waves NLS and it was very lackluster and smeared things. From the clips, the only thing I don't like is the Neve of VCC. Seems to overdo the low end or something. Anyway, your thoughts for metal and should I really spend the dough while the sale is going on?
I think it sounds cool, I prefer mixing with it rather than without.

I think alot of the benefit of the plug is it forces me to consider gain staging from the outset of a session, and its pretty hard to overuse in an obvious way. It has pretty extensive oversampling options which is very nice, for example I can mix with no oversampling to get a sense of the "color" and set the plug to oversample in 4x or 8x when working offline/doing exports. I think that the Neve setting really does have a nice way of subtlety shaping the bass instruments but my favorite is the Trident. It doesnt sound particularly hyped to me in any frequency block and really only seems to become more obvious cumulatively. I read someone else saying a while back that they didnt scrutinize every decibel of level the same way after using this and I would also agree with that sentiment. Things tend to "sit" easier when Im using this. I also like the interface of the plugin because its easy to keep track of things and make changes to your settings globally. Alot of folks like Nebula for console emulation but I just loathe the interface and the amount of controls on it that are unclear in consequence.

I dont regret my purchase at all because I think it does make my recordings sound more analog than they would otherwise and not like a caricature of what analog actually sounds like to me. The effect of these summing plugins when used tastefully really are very subtle though, and I would be hard pressed to say you couldnt get along fine without it. If Slate has a demo you should try it first. This is a try it for yourself kind of vst if there ever was one.
I think if you feel you don't need it, you shouldn't buy it. The way I see it, it's much like spice in food.
I like VCC but I rarely use it on every tracks. Just the Drum Buss most of the time and sometimes the Master buss (started using VTM instead although they aren't exactly the same thing).
It is awesome. Gives the mix both glue and vibe and punch. Applying it correctly and you'll get awesome results. Worth every penny. This plugin took ITB mixing a step further.
I used Satson for a long while, tried out NLS, and am now using VCC. I like it a whole hell of a lot; it's not the kind of thing that you notice instantly but I feel like it makes mixing easier and the end-product is better. It's a little tedious to set up but with some clever preset/template use it's not a huge pain. Definitely worth the $150-200 or whatever it costs when it goes on sale.
I don't exaggerate when I say I have used VCC on every single track since I got it. It truly is a remarkable plugin.
It could be said that it is subtle, in a "the difference isn't night and day when you put it on"-way, BUT what it adds is something I haven't heard any other software-tool accomplish (except nebula, but I don't like working with that so much), and I love what it adds every single time. Glue, punch, warmth, and maybe most importantly: depth!

I implore you to at least try the Neve mixbus on your masterbus with the demo (if there is one?), and set it to 4x oversampling or so. Pay attention to the depth of your mix and switch it on and off. To me that really isn't subtle. It's like going from 2d to 3d at the click of a button. And that is before even taking into consideration the glue and punch, etc. Fucking awesome!
I ponied up for VCC, VTM and FG-X in the current sales as well, very pleased. I'll back everything that's been said about it in these threads, and further suggest you look at adding VTM on your list aswell.
A bit off topic but does anyone get good results using VCC and VTM together?

I sure as hell do! I have yet to find a mix where using VCC and VTM doesn't make it just a shitload better. But I'm a bit biased...

I sure as hell do! I have yet to find a mix where using VCC and VTM doesn't make it just a shitload better. But I'm a bit biased...


Are there any particular combinations or specific orders in the chain you would suggest?
I hope there is going to be a damn good deal on the slate trigger platinum this monday. Half off sounds good...
I sure as hell do! I have yet to find a mix where using VCC and VTM doesn't make it just a shitload better. But I'm a bit biased...


I use Kramer MPX a lot and it sounds pretty good but I'm VERY interested in VTM. Too expensive for me at the moment tho :(
Bought. Then saw about the BlackMonday sale from

Yeah, in the same boat, bought VCC, VTM and FG-X in one go in the October sales, even though it doesn't affect me in anyway, I'm hoping the the cyber Monday prices aren't too much lower.