Slayer-reign in blood

Reign in Blood rules.
It is one of the greatest thrash albums of all time, and imo is Slayer's best if you're looking for crushing speedy thrash. I think Seasons is much more accessible, but I prefer the more speedy thrash of RIB.
Lombardo isn't legendary because of his work on Reign.........Have you ever heard South of Heaven or Seasons in the Abyss? He plays some awesome fills on those two.........that's why he is so respected......I love Reign but it isn't Slayers best as most people would think...........I love the Altar of Sacrifice/Jesus Saves part, Piece by Piece, and Postmortem is a great song too, the other songs are pretty average.

Some of his fills on South Of Heaven are Insane. But as much as I respect them for introducing me to more types of metal, Slayer themselves are totally overrated. I love them, but they are. Reign In Blood was good, but it wasn't their best album. I prefer Seasons and SOH myself. Reign In Blod was good for the first few songs, then it felt like one big song...Thats where I find Slayer to fall down, their is little or no variation in their songs, it's either a clean, creepy riff, or a crazy thrashy one. And I'm sorry to say it, but KK isn't worthy of the guitar he holds. Jeff Hanneman however..there's a different story..