Slayer`s "Christs Illusion" leaked.............

ahhhhh wow, i've been waiting for a slayer album like this for a very long time, this is there best material in like 15 years , the first song is so incredible, its very old school slayer with good prodcution, and its GOOD
I won't. It sounds like Divine, Diabolus and GHUA to me which is no great thing. Decent, but not a patch on what went before.
The guitar sound is fucking shit, just as it has been since Seasons, what the fuck is going on with that?
As I posted in General Music, I'd rather spend money on something like the new Krisiun or Vader albums than Slayer these days.
Stormwatch said:
I won't. It sounds like Divine, Diabolus and GHUA to me which is no great thing. Decent, but not a patch on what went before.
The guitar sound is fucking shit, just as it has been since Seasons, what the fuck is going on with that?
As I posted in General Music, I'd rather spend money on something like the new Krisiun or Vader albums than Slayer these days.
Finally, a voice of reason
Christ Illusion sucks hairy dog buns!

I was blown away by the first two tracks and was all like, 'YASS! This is the best thing they've done since Seasons!'. Then I proceeded to listen to the rest of the album...

Boring and riff-less, just like Slayer really.
mrthrax said:
they are so lucky to be blessed with a solid fanbase,the record will seel 150,000 to 200,000 easy....

yeah, unfortunately

not that I wish any of them ill will or anything like that... it'd just be nice if they could make their living some other way now :p call it a day

then again I could think of a ton of bands to say that about... one rhymes with Netallica
thraxx said:
Posted on Testament`s board :

Yep, and the new album is really really great!
their best in 20 years!...the only album better for me is the fabulous Reign in Blood...
You can get the album on every torrensite, or at forum via rapid share...

come on thrax, I have a hard time believing that. Do you have your fanboy shades on? I will remain open minded till I have it and listen to it in full but after ghua, I am doubtful.
jdelpi said:
He was just copying and pasting what the person on the Testament board wrote.

I dig the album.
I saw Slayer last night. I LOVE Slayer! Fucking awesome. :kickass: I'm gonna buy Christ Illusion on my birthday (Aug. 8- day of release).
I'm not gonna listen to the album before it's released, that'll ruin the surprise. It'd be like secretly unwrapping Xmas gifts the day before you're supposed to open them.
No matter what any naysayers say, I'll buy Slayer. Slayer and Anthrax have never let me down, and they never will.
jdelpi said:
And you own Diabolus?
There's no such thing as a bad Slayer album. Diabolus is an 8.5 out of 10.
God Hates Us All is a 9 out of 10.
South of Heaven is a 10. etc.