Slayer`s "Christs Illusion" leaked.............

whitey131 said:
Turning this into a reunion thread, I wonder about things like this.

Is seasons really a great record? Is music just not as good as it once was, or are we all getting older and less receptive? Maybe you just hear Seasons and it sort of takes you back to a point in your life where getting a blow job behind the dumpster at Arby's wasn't hard to talk someone into.

I'm willing to bet that we're all just getting older. The number of bands dwindles down and while you like the new disk, it's not as good as the older stuff. Which brings me back full circle to the reunion and why I think this next record will be such a challenge. Can Anthrax make a CD that compares to POT or ATL with the older crowd and still builds a younger audience? It wuld be a hard move to make when you think about it.

I wasn't even into metal when seasons came out, SLAYER just had the ability to write killer hooks and melodies then, they seem to have lost that a little while they still make intense music.
Stormwatch said:
All I can say is, for leaked albums, new Vader and new Deicide totally pisses all over new Slayer.
I know which two I'll be buying and Slayer isn't one of them.

Both are DEATH metal discs while SLAYER is thrash, and I happen not to like blastbeats. I don;t really see the comparison anyway...
I wasn't even into metal when seasons came out, SLAYER just had the ability to write killer hooks and melodies then, they seem to have lost that a little while they still make intense music.
i agree with you on the hook and melody things, the music is pure agreesion but what little hooky parts they had (like the intro riff to dead skin mask or the whole melody line of crooked cross) seem to have gone out the window a few years back. the new disc is decent but for a fan like me who liked those elements it's no where near their best material imo.
tomass74 said:
Cannot wait to buy this!! And GHUA was fucking awesome!

I agree dude. I think GHUA was Slayers best offering since Reign in Blood, and I think the new disc (what I've heard of it anyway) tops it.

Just my opinion though.